Example sentences of "[noun sg] have be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both worry about the fishing villages whose livelihood has been commercial whaling .
2 Another change has been extensive draining of moorland ( Stewart and Lance , 1983 ) and this allied to increased sheep numbers and other factors ( Anderson and Yalden , 1981 ) has led not only to a decrease in moorland vegetation but to a reduction in wildlife , notably grouse .
3 The competitive procurement policy of the Ministry of Defence has been good news not only for the Ministry and the taxpayer but for the yards .
4 One focus to this resistance has been realistic plot-paradigms which Sukenick constantly subverts in the interest of getting nearer to the real .
5 For years the result has been frequent power blackouts for Orcadians as the birds ' elaborate home-making habits — incorporating everything from barbed wire and steel mesh to tin cans and nails — caused the electricity supply to short-circuit .
6 Both sides blame one another and the result has been chaotic sales , at a time when the slack market has been a big enough handicap anyway .
7 But when states have tried an outright ban , as some have , the result has been illicit stills , producing deadly brews that have blinded and killed thousands over the years .
8 The top rated American TV programme has been beguiling children for the last 13 years .
9 Europe 's regional economic development programme has been designated objective to status to Plymouth .
10 For over 25 years the department has been pioneering AI teaching .
11 Yet for months the world 's promotions industry has been busy marking — and marketing — the event .
12 In both examples , a conscious attempt has been made-to segment the market .
13 Another ambition has been financial reward , and it is a lucky man who escapes a conversation with Jackie without being reminded of his various positions , his bankers , his lawyers , his accountants and his courtiers .
14 An additional complication to Rugby 's future has been legal writs for damages by Mal Malik , a former Coventry and Rugby flank-forward .
15 ‘ The college has been great offering to find a school for the children , and after school I will be encouraging them to join in the dance and fitness classes for children at the college . ’
16 He had been employed before 1917 in the archives of the foreign ministry and one of his ancestors on his mother 's side had been Russian ambassador in Vienna during the 1814 – 15 congress .
17 Her presence and her loss had been equal disasters .
18 The 22-year old Larne man was devastating in the Baltic country ; indeed , most of his performances on the continent have been top notch .
19 ‘ His own models of feminity have been extraordinary women — the Queen Mother , who never let a feeling come between her and her duty , and the Queen .
20 Members of the Worcester Park Machine Knitters Club have been busy knitting items for the Special Care Baby Unit at Kingston Hospital in Surrey .
21 The advent of the Reagan administration , and its alliance with the powerful pro-Israeli lobby has been bad news for the UN agencies .
22 Churchill , Eden , Macmillan , and Home had been political grandees ; all emerged through the ‘ magic circle , and not as a result of election by MPs .
23 STAFF TRAINING The details have yet to be revealed but Mr Pearson said the council had been encouraging firms to train their staff since 1983 .
24 So far their reaction to the take-over has been loudly-voiced support , and angrily expressed sentiments of violence , but no violence itself .
25 The Social Democrats ' most startling failure has been eastern Germany .
26 Most influential absentee has been top scorer Brett Angell .
27 Most influential absentee has been top scorer Brett Angell .
28 In many cases the consequence has been large scale redundancy , and a reduction in size , or contraction , of the organisation .
29 The consequence has been fierce rivalry between the two in all areas .
30 Her last post had been General Secretary to the Association of Headmistresses .
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