Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Well , the studies that I 've been involved in , the computer has performed certainly as well as a consultant , and at times much better than a junior doctor in the particular situation that I 'm talking about .
2 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
3 Its circulation had grown enormously as immigrants flooded into Tollemarche , and it had expanded into the shops which flanked it on either side .
4 Lydia had once read a women's-magazine-type romance in book-form and her mind had felt then as her stomach felt now — ever so slightly destroyed .
5 Dr Seamus McAleer , one of six consultants using the unit , explains : ‘ The number of patients being treated by chemotherapy has increased steadily as new and better drugs have become available .
6 Dr Seamus McAleer , one of six consultants using the unit , explains : ‘ The number of patients being treated by chemotherapy has increased steadily as new and better drugs have become available .
7 The telephone had rung just as she 'd finished washing her hair , so it had dried all wild and was now held back with an orange-and-shocking-pink striped scarf , off which Ethel had chewed one of the corners .
8 Stitch 's nose had twitched eagerly as he took in the size of the Imperial .
9 Her imagination had run wild as she had fantasised tirelessly about how it would feel to have him hold her , his mouth pressed in passion against her own .
10 Even if the economics of bulk sales improve — Chemical reckons that the bulk-discount has fallen sharply as the property market has revived — Citicorp considers it worth sticking with property in order to help create a liquid market in it .
11 They 'll certainly let you in after this performance , " the Magistrate had said ironically as Mr Bradley made one or two more last-minute arrangements with Saint Peter for the opening of the celestial gates .
12 The alert last night had sounded just as Londoners were beginning to think that just for once there would be no air raid , and the first bombs fell as the last notes of the sirens gave way to an uneasy , brooding silence .
13 If the petitioner has received any payment from the debtor since the petition was presented or the debtor has entered into an arrangement with the petitioner for the securing or compounding of the debt , the affidavit must state what dispositions of property the debtor has made so as to pay the debt or secure or compound for it , whether any property disposed of was the property of the debtor himself or some other person , and if the property was that of the debtor himself , whether the disposition was made with the approval of the court ( r 6.32(2) ) .
14 In West Africa , the savannah-dwelling blackfly which transmits the worm causing river blindness has expanded southwards as forests are cleared in Liberia , Ghana and the Côte d'Ivoire .
15 The same is not so true of 22mm to ¾in and 28mm to lin where the pipe size has changed slightly as well and you may need to use special types of adaptor fitting .
16 Admittedly the army had stood aside as the monarchy fell in April 1931 , but its acceptance of the Republic was anything but unrestrained .
17 They made a gallant array next morning as they marched off from the Burgh Muir in great companies , cavalry and infantry , banners and standards waving , heraldic surcoats colourful , armour glinting in the early morning sunlight , trumpets blowing ; but Ramsay reminded himself that Mar 's army had looked fully as fine and had marched only to disaster .
18 His voice had hardened briefly as he added the caution , but when he went on again it was low and musing .
19 It 's unfortunate your big end 's gone just as we 've run out of lanolin , will axle grease do ?
20 Within minutes the noise level had increased perceptibly as the champagne began to have its effect .
21 From the end of World War II to the early 1970s there was virtually full employment in developed countries , but in the last ten years the position has changed considerably as shown in fig. 1.11 .
22 He pointed out how the existing tax system had evolved so as to encourage the unfettered growth of car ownership and the transport of freight by lorry .
23 These were set out facing the way the explorer had gone so as to ensure a good view of him on his return .
24 Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles .
25 My poor mother has slept alone as long as I can remember . ’
26 Something had sparked into life when they had first set eyes on each other , though , and even Julius 's self-control had melted away as the spark had ignited a flame , and then a fire .
27 In particular , it was said that the employer was thereby saving on royalties payable to the patentee or licensee of alternative components ; the valve reduced processing costs and disposals of scrap ; output had increased ; and the frequency of employee injury had declined so as to reduce absences from work and claims for compensation .
28 The muscles in his face had flexed tight as he spoke and his breathing had become uneven .
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