Example sentences of "[noun sg] in a [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 How can we allow the commercial hunting of whales when they could be starved of food because of ozone depletion in a few years ' time ? "
2 forbidding the use of capillary fittings containing lead-based solder on pipes supplying drinking water ( see Chapter 2 ) n changing the size of flushing cisterns used with WCs ( to come into effect in a few years ' time — see Chapter 8 )
3 The motion called on the chamber to reconsider the issue in a few years ' time .
4 I vote that this a good point other activities for the County Council in a few years that you that you will find er people anxious to support , thank you gentlemen
5 HANS Wagenknecht , 24 , is a physics student from Germany who will be looking for work in a few years .
6 You can see in a Trivial Pursuit question in a few years time what 's the most commonly said three words ?
7 It is quite impossible to believe that he will fade from the scene on formal retirement in a few years ' time .
8 Now at least one top 10 society says privately that it is thinking seriously of becoming a plc in a few years .
9 There are very few of those artists of the 1980s whom I think will have any standing in a few years .
10 The additional shine will make the nameplate that much easier for your grandchildren to recognise when they see the piece on Antiques Roadshow in a hundred years or so !
11 Without pilots gaining experience at the lowest level , we will be shaping up for another chronic pilots shortage in a few years ' time .
12 And I could n't tell a triple Axel from a double Salko in a million years , let alone perform one !
13 Even then it has been calculated , taking systems as a whole , that the maximum rate of sedimentation would have been something like one foot in a thousand years .
14 The company 's chief executive , Dr David Horrobin , said that employment could be expected to increase if progress continues and the products are licensed by the Government for clinical use in a few years ' time .
15 Already in Britain there are plans for putting into communication the computer-based personal information systems of DHSS , the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Centre , the Police National Computer and the Inland Revenue ; and the embossed plastic cards with unique machine-readable numerical identifiers which are now issued automatically to all school-leavers to mark their entry into the National Insurance scheme will in a few years ' time be , in effect , national identity cards .
16 As with the merger in 1977 between the then Institute of Bankers and the Savings Banks Institute , the latest partnership will in a few years ' time look entirely natural .
17 All of which makes the Jorvik Viking Centre not just the journey of a lifetime , but the most exciting journey in a thousand years .
18 So I tried for a calming course , feeling thankful to this man for his dogged clasp on difficulties that would n't cause me any recall of my dead love in a million years , and I pursued the wisp of a path suggested by the word ‘ nanny . ’
19 On the assumption that they would continue to fall at the same rate as in the first half of the decade , it was estimated that the population would be only one tenth of its size in a hundred years time .
20 You have to be some chancer to turn down 10 million for a player that could burn out from snorting too much junk food in a few years : - ) ( mixing my puns there , I think ) .
21 But the British Fascisti were in earnest , though doomed to extinction in a few years with the creation of Oswald Mosley 's New Party .
22 Easy going and charming , he made friends easily ; adventurous and audacious , his exploits brought both fame and notoriety during his lifetime ; intelligent but irresponsible , he made and squandered a fortune in a few years ; all in all , he was an eccentric who lived life to the full .
23 It is easy to be put off buying a greenhouse simply because you might be moving house in a few years .
24 The results come hard on the heels of a forecast by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency , who says he is confident that a series of factors will lead to a ‘ relaunch ’ of nuclear power in a few years ' time .
25 In just under two hours time Oxford Prison will close down , leaving the city without a gaol for the first time in a thousand years .
26 The result was to leave London without an elected representative body for the first time in a hundred years , and all the metropolitan areas without an authority responsible for producing an overall strategic plan .
27 One of Oxford 's two remaining women-only colleges has tonight decided to admit men for the first time in a hundred years .
28 The result was pale and sickly , stress lines showing how much she would look like her mother in a few years ' time .
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