Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The interaction between the two rings is so weak that there is incomplete association in both the solid state and in solution ; the free radicals present are easily detected by ESR spectroscopy .
2 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
3 All of those realities require that the government provides : a stable economic environment ; education and training that fosters the abilities of all young people and adults ; a firm emphasis on productive investment in both the public and private sectors .
4 The House of Lords , to which the LEA appealed after defeat in both the High Court and Court of Appeal , held that the denial of selective single-sex education to a higher proportion of girls than boys was unlawful sex discrimination .
5 In this study it seems that the higher fibre diet expanded the proliferative compartment in both the proximal and distal colon and would thus appear to increase the risk of colonic mucosal cell instability .
6 Massage , particularly aromatherapy , stimulates circulation in much the same way .
7 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
8 This will have its immediate relevance for choice of methodology in both the broad sense and in the development of sub-units within the whole .
9 Drama is actively encouraged through classroom drama , frequent theatre visits and the involvement of the Department in both the annual School production and the Inter-House Drama Festival .
10 and they , they beat out the rhythm in much the same way
11 Aunt Emily said from the doorway in much the same tone , ‘ My dear Alexandra !
12 He described his intention in only the vaguest of terms , saying that ‘ it was our purpose to ride forth against the enemies in the parts of France ’ , but it is likely that he and Lancaster hoped to join forces .
13 All patients had chest pain and ECG changes of acute myocardial infarction ( initially at least 1 mm ST segment elevation in either the precordial or limb leads ) .
14 Insider dealing is an economic crime in much the same way as theft is a crime of property .
15 The spread of the TNCs has brought significant changes to the sexual division of labour in both the First and the Third World .
16 For instance if you want to turn an object on a lathe erm and you go from one end of a shaft to the other , no matter , supposing you do it ten times , erm the machine will take that cut in exactly the same time .
17 In Men of Iron , released in 1935 , Warner Bros attempted to use the steel industry in much the same way as they had earlier used the coal industry .
18 Where space is particularly limited sliding mirrored doors prove very popular as they automatically create an illusion of spaciousness in even the smallest of rooms .
19 There is a pouched mouse in Australia , though in this case the resemblance is not so close and it does not make its living in quite the same way .
20 Secretion in both the basal and stimulated states was less at day 7 than at day 3 , an inverse trend to that seen for acid secretion , where basal but not stimulated levels were higher at day 7 ( Fig 3 ) .
21 An incidental byproduct of these studies has been the establishment of a reliable way of measuring several variables of gastric secretion in both the basal and stimulated states in the intact mouse .
22 Having done so much to point up the plight of blacks in the 1960s and 1970s , Ali reduced himself to little more than a comic figure in much the same way as Johnson had .
23 More important , to claim that a film can ‘ inject ’ the gullible , mid-American viewer with homophobia is to interpret the relation between representation and action in precisely the same crude , causal way as a Jesse Helms or a Mary Whitehouse .
24 Bailey was 5–2 down in the first set tie breaker but won five successive points to draw first blood and then broke his rival in both the third and fifth games of the second set for an astounding victory .
25 Mr Berisha has no rival in either the Democratic or the Socialist Party .
26 She has previously been a youth worker and trainer in both the statutory and voluntary sectors .
27 This may seem surprising since the Bail Act is thought to have contributed to a fall in both the actual and proportionate use of custodial remands .
28 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
29 It is extremely difficult for any practitioner to administer a test in exactly the same way on two occasions , even if the same child is being tested .
30 The failures of British industrial relations usually loomed large , with some blaming backwards-looking trade unions defending antique work practices , and more finding consistent weaknesses in British management in both the private and public sector once the immediate post-1945 boom had spent itself .
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