Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [art] first world " in BNC.

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1 So far as I am aware , no writer on Ultra has noted the comparison between the Coventry affair and an episode in the First World War when secret intelligence was apparently neglected in order to protect the source .
2 The German press disappeared after Germany 's defeat in the First World War , while the missionary press , though of some historical interest , did not give rise to publications of any major importance .
3 Even Hitler , whose life and ideology glorified an untrammelled lust for power , surprises by his docility under discipline as a corporal in the first World War , and the little reported about his sexual tastes suggests that they were masochistic .
4 And he was a wounded pensioner er and he , he applied for a grant which you , which er a wounded soldier in the First World War could get if you had a pension he could get a grant of that pension to learn a trade .
5 Having been a soldier in the First World War , he really knows what he is writing about and is a great contrast to some of the pretentious poets who preach about war while they have never seen any violence in their entire lives .
6 A Thirties scene with modern streamlined cars passing the massive war memorial constructed with the profits from shell-making by the Tramways Department in the First World War .
7 It was destroyed in 1915 during action in the First World War , then was rebuilt after 1918 to the original design .
8 SIR — Details of the mysterious respiratory illness mentioned by Nelson ( June 12 , p 1526 ) among Navajo Indians are at present sparse , but the symptoms are reminiscent of those described early in the course of an ‘ acute nephritis ’ which occurred with trench warfare in the First World War .
9 The National Labour Prime Minister , Ramsay MacDonald , had campaigned against conscription in the First World War .
10 A U-boat captain of distinction in the First World War , he had headed the Abwehr since 1935 and despite being a loyal German had always been unhappy with National Socialism .
11 This has fallen into disuse , having been used as a military hospital and to sleep troops in transit in the First World War , a Sunday school , a library , and up until five years ago a store for the church gardening equipment .
12 ‘ Dr Lambert is perhaps best known for his initiative in the First World War towards the production of respirators .
13 The global commodity system was largely based on persuading the peoples of the non-industrial countries to produce the food and industrial raw materials that were necessary for the continuous growth of capitalism and industrialization in the First World .
14 Dickie bored him all through the first course with stories of the Navy in the First World War , and all through the second course with stories of the Navy in the Second World War , and then he got up and said , ‘ I 've got to go now to a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff , but the Prime Minister will keep you amused . ' ’
15 It has been estimated that 60 per cent of the fascist elite had been members of the armed forces and over 40 per cent saw active service in the first World War .
16 The discontent was brought into the capital by the arrival in 1932 of some 15 000 unemployed " Veterans " ( i.e. men who had seen army service in the First World War ) .
17 The broadsheet idea , or at least the name , was borrowed by The Times newspaper in the First World War , when it organised the printing and distribution of literary extracts , reminiscent of home , for the comfort of the troops .
18 Serbia , which bad been semi-independent from 1817 and fully independent from 1878 , and which had played a considerable part in the First World War ( and suffered enormous losses ) , was the nucleus of the new state .
19 But a reduction in the First World is also essential .
20 There is coal in Kintyre and large pieces are sometimes brought up by fishing boats working locally , so perhaps the old people who say that coal was mined at Daill and used by a local blacksmith in the First World War are correct , although no trace of workings has been found .
21 Another group used the library in the First World War .
22 Thus , the reforms started a course which was the precise opposite of the emperor 's intention — moves to resist centralization , indeed , to secure greater decentralization , a process which ultimately led to the division of the empire in a Dual Monarchy , and ultimately its disintegration in the first World War .
23 Iran declared its neutrality in the First World war , but most Iranian sympathy lay with German because she was fighting Great Britain and Russia .
24 The Second International split on nationalistic lines in August 1914 , with each socialist party backing its own government in the First World War .
25 I used to listen for hours about her girlhood in Sheffield : smoking out of the window ; the young soldier she visited in hospital in the First World War , who gave her his rosary and went off and was killed ; of her suitors ; the fuss surrounding her affair with my father , who was much older than her ( and already married , though this she never told me ) .
26 THE town of Albert was reduced to rubble in the First World War and rebuilt in the 1920s .
27 Voices were raised in support of rounding up all foreigners , but the government was unwilling to go the way of its predecessor in the first world war and order a general internment .
28 On coming to power , Lenin and his colleagues promptly deserted the Allied cause in the First World War and repudiated the massive loans which western investors had made in good faith to the tsarist government .
29 Known throughout the Army world for his outstanding service as a chaplain in the First World War he was held in great affection and esteem .
30 And they had fought for their country in 1939 when the Irish Republic remained neutral which was , after all , just what one could expect of rebels who had taken advantage of Britain 's involvement in the First World War to stage the 1916 Easter Rising .
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