Example sentences of "[noun sg] and ask for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We realized that decorators were buying our fabric and wallpaper in bulk and asking for a discount , as was available to them with any other brand . ’
2 Some journals give clear feedback and ask for a list of changes if the paper is resubmitted , but this is not true of all .
3 ( d ) Agent 's fees Immediately contracts are exchanged on behalf of a seller , telephone the estate agent and ask for an account .
4 The banks offered a 30 per cent cut and asked for a US$1,000 million payment to reduce interest arrears of US$8,000 million .
5 From a cafe " behind the Nile , Frenchman called the Oberoi and asked for the Queen .
6 I tottered across to a cottage on the edge of the loch and asked for a pot of tea and a bite to eat .
7 And Paul de Levantiére would sigh , turn with a resigned expression to his fitter and ask for the next outfit to be tried on .
8 There was one good Carling Black Label ad — where a guy walks into a bar and asks for a pint of Carling Black Label and they say , ‘ I bet he drinks Carling Black Label ’ — but we did n't have to sit through all the others just to see that .
9 Oh you have n't gone up to a bar and asked for a pils have you ?
10 When at last my number came , I presented myself at the window and asked for a ticket on the 10.05 to Stockholm the next morning .
11 A traveller in Scotland went into a pub and asked for a pint of bitter .
12 Being anxious is normal , the next stage though is to admit the anxiety and to ask for the faith to see it through .
13 If for some reason you are not contacted , telephone the suppliers in the directory in this issue and ask for a catalogue .
14 Otherwise you should contact your local council and ask for a claim form for community charge benefit .
15 He replied that there was no substance in the allegation of French unpreparedness in the Verdun sector and asked for the names of those who had given Galliéni the information so that they might be admonished .
16 She picked up the telephone and asked for a courier service .
17 That evening I rang Fred Workman , News Editor of the Times-Herald , at his home and asked for a job as cub reporter .
18 Christina walked behind the reception desk and asked for a copy of Mr Banville 's account .
19 By mid-forenoon they could see Dunbar 's towers ahead ; and by noontide they were under the outer castle-bridge , with Ramsay shouting up his name to the watch and asking for the Countess Agnes .
20 The governors , a charity , have incurred substantial costs in fighting this case and ask for an order that their costs both in the Court of Appeal and in this House be paid out of the Legal Aid Fund .
21 If at any stage you wish to go beyond your daily existence and to ask for the knowledge of how you can reach your higher self , then your guide will teach you about the workings of your mind , your intellect and how to rise from your lower mental being into that of perfection .
22 Anyone who is caring for an elderly mother or father would be well advised to visit the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security and ask for a complete set of leaflets on this subject which will explain what financial help is available , apart from the State Retirement Pension , both for their parent and for themselves .
23 She said that she 'd be happy with wine so he caught somebody 's eye and asked for a carafe of the house red .
24 On obtaining a prospectus and asking for an application form , you will find that every drama school will require an audition fee , and this can vary between £15 and £25 .
25 A beautiful girl went into a sweet shop and asked for a box of chocolates .
26 They marched into the shop and asked for the manager .
27 On leaving the Ayrshire Yeomanry and asking for a Middle East posting , he had sailed on the Queen Mary around the Cape of Good Hope and had docked at Durban .
28 Like the lady who came into the shop one day and asked for a bottle of ‘ blue ’ .
29 ‘ If they want to go through the correct procedure and ask for a transfer , then so be it . ’
30 For further information , telephone or fax Yesterday 's World Group Booking Office or phone Hastings Central Group Booking Service and ask for the Groups and Schools Visits brochure .
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