Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only thirty yards or so separated them , when Curtis saw the Prophet lift a hand from the steering wheel and knock the rear-view mirror out of alignment to avoid being blinded by the glare .
2 Activated lipocytes ( myofibroblasts ) are also the major source of the interstitial collagens ( type I and III ) which are produced in excess during liver fibrosis and cirrhosis and replace the normal basement membrane matrix .
3 All these factors fan the bias against religion and produce a fundamental obstacle for RE — that of the radical secularism of Western society .
4 At this point we must remind ourselves that Shklar includes as part of this ancient conception the idea of ‘ middle-class moderates ’ within the structure of politics who are able to persuade others to practise self-restraint and maintain a legal order that best fits the ethical structure of the polity .
5 Members are all recognised by the Royal Yachting Association and use the latest technology combined with traditional skills to help students achieve their aim .
6 Manchester City were subsequently charged with misconduct by the Football Association and face a possible fine , or even suspension from next year 's competition .
7 Advisers and inspectors can be a stimulus to more rigorous thinking and have an important role to play in encouraging schools to be more self-critical .
8 It will provide a framework for structured , creative thinking and produce a greater understanding of the business and of the markets and other conditions in which the business operates .
9 On one side of the desk officials leisurely scrutinise and catalogue every marketable item , and on the other , baggage handlers maintain a cacophony of stage whispers , demanding ‘ Johnny Walker ’ .
10 The cattle of Belgium owe much to Dutch and British breeds , particularly the Friesian types and the Shorthorn , which were used to improve local stock and create the national Belgian breeds , the most famous of which today must be the double-muscled Belgian Blue .
11 It would improve the housing stock and decrease the future need for renovation and repair .
12 His dying brain barely had time to process the fading image of his killer and recognise the black-clad form with the glowing eyes as the Prophet , before its circuits closed down permanently .
13 Norman said that his day-dream was ‘ to walk up to any computer , plug in the card and have the terminal look and act like the one at home . ’
14 These are made of card and feature a tropical tank scene on one side with extremely easy to use cutting to size markings on the back aimed at standard tanks .
15 The MP added : ‘ I 'm calling on Saville 's to withdraw as quickly as possible from the deal and allow the local authorities to acquire the land .
16 It is the process of trying to persuade by substituting power for reason — the power being the ability to walk away from the deal and leave the other person stranded , the power to give the other person less than required — and sometimes nothing .
17 Although Wesker expresses the utmost admiration for Shakespeare , he was determined to write an original work which would change people 's perception and create a new Shylock .
18 If you 're seriously tempted by a ‘ never-to-be-repeated ’ offer , take the advice of the KSA and check the small print .
19 One way to discourage such demands was secretly to salt a shallow anchorage with a bag of rotted chicken heads which would quickly draw a sinuous and evil-looking pack of otherwise harmless sand sharks that would twist menacingly under our keel and persuade the paying customers to seek the deeper darker waters offshore .
20 We have since formed a partnership and employ a young labourer to do all the preparation work .
21 But can the child transcend the blackness and wear the white mask with pride ?
22 A better hood , on this type of bag anyway , will be shaped to avoid the extra bulk and give a close fit around the head .
23 In particular they will develop the logic on nonmonotic reasoning and provide a proof-theoretic characterisation of relevance concepts such as least effort .
24 When the majority executive recommendation — to withdraw from the coalition and fight an early general election — was put to the conference , it was accepted with only two dissentients .
25 Todd believes such levels of expenditure were necessary last year ‘ to maintain our growth momentum and achieve the successful integration of ICL and Nokia Data product ranges ’ .
26 all totalitarian institutions ( in Goffman 's phrase ) embody their principles in an inexplicit way , beyond the grasp of consciousness and exhort the essential by an implicit pedagogy , capable of instilling a whole cosmology , an ethic , a political philosophy through injunctions as insignificant as ‘ stand up straight ’ .
27 ‘ Why should n't the people of Coventry enjoy their football and support a winning team that can finish in the top six at least ? ’
28 Enter the Sci-Fi Fantasy Story Writing Contest and win a brilliant prize .
29 Enter the Sci-Fi Fantasy Story Writing Contest and win a brilliant prize .
30 For instance , a particular type of aircraft with specified engines in established weather conditions will , at a known weight , accelerate to the appropriate speed for take-off in a predetermined distance along the runway , following which it will be accelerated to a specified speed and achieve a pre-established rate of climb during which the landing gear will be retracted , taking a known period of time .
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