Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But few of them can be done in isolation and all require some element of partnership .
2 Gilbert had watched the violence in the office , frozen in fear and unable to prevent any of it .
3 The current financial services turnover and this has this has been published in the Financial Times and the Telegraph is somewhere in the region of between eight five and ninety percent .
4 It is also an example of communal living and co-operative working that is a success .
5 At that point , we believed that the Bill would be an irrelevance and unnecessary given that prisoners can already be charged with a wide range of criminal offences , including offences under the Public Order Act 1986 .
6 Mr Bergg said : ‘ When you approach Darlington the first thing you see are two posters from Conservative and Labour criticising each other that sums up their campaigns . ’
7 Windows'DDE and OLE permits much more complexity in data relationships than you 'll find in character-based systems , and the same technology provides scope for the emerging goodies of multimedia computer applications .
8 You ‘ Il be very glad you did this if you turn up one day to find the river high and murky because if , for example , you know that one swim has a lovely clean gravel bottom and another has half a Morris 1000 and a blackberry bush in it then this may help you decide where to fish and where to stick your mate !
9 Many of the coarse fish are spawning in the vegetation at the side of the waterways from February through to July and April is the first full month that the fishermen give them the peace and quiet to do this .
10 ‘ All I asked for was a month 's peace and quiet to get some work done .
11 There is a suggestion that the growth-controlling auxin gravitates to the bottom of the bough and this produces more wood on the compression face , but to me , this is only a partial answer .
12 The greater this interaction between chains the more favourable will be the energy parameter and this provides some indication of the type of chain which might be expected to crystallize from the melt , viz.
13 Little or nothing escapes his eye and that makes any book he writes doubly valuable to the serious students of railway history .
14 For instance , did you know that on average they have increased spending on books and equipment by ninety percent and that sixty percent of schools employ at least one more teacher and many employ more classroom support staff and that morale among teachers is widely reported to be higher , even where before those teachers opposed grant maintained status .
15 Most of them would never set eyes on the place and few felt any loyalty towards it .
16 He got himself invited to a large formal dinner party at which one man served the wine and another served all the food , and was tired and irritable , like a wife ; Boy observed all of this very closely .
17 This dominance in modern times is attributed by Hayek to the success of the Philosophical Radicals of the nineteenth century in replacing the ideal of government under law with the ideal of a government controlled by a popular assembly and free to take any action of which that assembly approved .
18 He 's lost a dozen in a decade and this goes some way towards explaining his surprisingly philosophical attitude to his own bad luck .
19 If this aroma is appealing , blend into a perfume ( see page 69 ) at the rate of 10 drops of bergamot and 5 drops each of lavender and sandalwood .
20 The Social Secretary thanked Mr and Mrs Preshous for a very informative presentation and all agreed that time had run out all too quickly .
21 Maybe being a Virgo is more than just your star sign and that explains all this maidenly modesty . ’
22 The movement cost less than 10 per cent of the price quoted by the British firm and this included all import duties and delivery charges , and VAT .
23 The Easter egg , overcome by heat , too much food , and an excess of wine , had to go and stand outside the door for a little fresh air , but came back full of verve and ready to tackle some of Willi 's bonbons that were scattered about the room in dishes in case anyone felt the need of more to eat .
24 Both the court and the father 's solicitors were aware that the principal social worker involved on behalf of the local authority would be on leave and unable to play any significant part in the preparation of the hearing before 20 January 1992 .
25 At 18 I was saying ‘ I 'm a man and ready to tackle this ’ .
26 He was a very private man and some mistook this for aloofness .
27 But at least these antics attracted attention ; ‘ then some said she was accursed ; some said God took open vengeance on her ; some said one thing and some said another ’ .
28 Aware that the situation was getting out of hand and unable to cope any more with their triangular relationship , Norman took himself off to Cornwall .
29 She counted every hundred paces , to give her something to cling on to and then , turning her head away from the gale , she shouted George 's name , cocking her head this way and that to catch any reply .
30 Results in the £1,000 Hathaway fours at the Morrison Centre showed that three games were won with the last bowl and another finished all square in a very competitive tournament .
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