Example sentences of "[noun sg] be taken [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps not surprising that when older pupils come to sit their leaving examinations , they generally view the prospect of the examinations without much apprehension ; this may be because most decisions about their future are taken on the recommendation of their teachers rather than directly on the basis of examination results .
2 They demanded that no action be taken on the SED-PDS proposal , involving creation of a new Office for the Protection of the Constitution , until after the general election .
3 Whatever action is taken on the final report of the Buea project ( and I have fears that the heavy reliance on expatriate experts in the project and in drawing up the report may not contribute to its being widely read and followed in Cameroon ) there can be no question that the project marks an important landmark in curriculum planning in Africa .
4 Unless action is taken only the rich will be able to contemplate being solicitors and only those firms doing commercial work are going to offer traineeships .
5 A suitable break-point was taken on the death of Magnentius in 353 , and of the reports examined from 334 buildings , no less than 199 offered no satisfactory evidence and it could be argued that the remaining 135 hardly offer a sufficient quantity for any serious statistical study .
6 So no action was taken on the ideas of the Layfield Committee .
7 Action was taken on the poll tax .
8 No legal action was taken so the locals were left to seethe with no redress .
9 The holes for the cold feeds must be at least 30mm above the base of the cistern to prevent any dirt or debris in the bottom of the cistern being taken down the pipes .
10 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
11 CONTINGENCY plans to cope with a serious accident to a nuclear weapon being taken over the Kingston Bridge in Glasgow are flawed , councillors heard yesterday .
12 If the mid-point were taken arbitrarily the implication is that the UK manpower in R&D could be increased to 13–14 per cent of total manpower with continuing improvement in productivity .
13 Few realise the toll erosion 's taken on the 200 year old structure .
14 That first presidential order to send American troops into possible combat was taken on the run , as Bush was preparing for his first superpower summit with Mikhail Gorbachev at Malta .
15 Thus evidence was taken on the need for the bill and why it was proposed to deal with problems in a particular way .
16 An appeal can be marked without significant cost being incurred at that stage and frequently appeals are marked as a holding operation while advice is taken on the prospects of the appeal succeeding .
17 The House will wish to satisfy itself that any decision to enact the Bill is taken on the basis of a full consideration of that assessment of the Bill 's environmental effects .
18 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
19 The above shot was taken on the 18th while the aircraft flew for Dutch TV .
20 Thompson , the Secretary of the Yorkshire North District , and Littlecott , Secretary of the Western District , wrote to Jacques urging that a firm stand be taken on the issue and no further concessions be made .
21 A more definitive response to him must await the time which will probably arrive when the clergy ordination measure is taken on the Floor of the House .
22 The Commission may extend the period of suspension until a final decision is taken on the merger 's compatibility with the Common Market .
23 It may be easier to make long-term decisions about the best size and type of steel mill if a simultaneous decision is taken on the level of car production to which steel output forms an important input .
24 The second reading of the Finance Bill follows and from 1969 the bill has then been divided , clauses and schedules which involve issues of principle being taken on the floor of the House while the more detailed clauses are sent upstairs to a standing committee .
25 In such petty ways some revenge was taken on the wealthy transient .
26 The following survey was taken on the streets of Bradford .
27 An urgent decision was taken on the surface that the men would have to be brought out in groups of three .
28 He stresses that the decision was taken on the spur of the moment and that it seemed completely acceptable to everyone there at the time .
29 Similarly if less time is taken on the entry turn ( eg sector 3 non-hold side ) decrease the outbound time .
30 Once a Bill has passed its Commons ' stage it goes up to the House of Lords where the same process is repeated , except that the Committee stage is taken on the floor of the House .
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