Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [that] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The general concensus is that some housework is required — car cleaning , bed making , one lad even tries his hand at ironing !
2 The net effect is that some plants should be more resistant to water stress ( and more tolerant of atmospheric pollution as partially closed stomata impede entry of potentially harmful air pollutants into leaves ) .
3 That what you get in terms of the the effect is that some traffic er will go out to use er the western relief road , to head north or south , and will no longer use the road to get into Harrogate .
4 The corollary is that some areas will be better placed to initiate a shift away from the isolated role of special schools .
5 The corollary is that some catalogue information has only a limited life , since it may in its turn be overtaken by new research .
6 Perhaps more important for the teacher is that some students , especially those from other cultures , may have been conditioned to respond to authority figures , especially teachers , by unquestioning obedience .
7 One reason why some surgeons are reluctant to remove the lymph gland in the armpit is that some women develop subsequent swelling of the arm ( lymphoedema ) .
8 ‘ A further complication is that some products are doing exceptionally well while others are in decline . ’
9 A further complication is that some plants , especially foliage houseplants , seldom flower in this country , or only do so when many years old .
10 The truth is that some members of the Liverpool board had misgivings about the way Swansea were run and wondered if Toshack might have picked up bad habits .
11 The cruel truth is that some animals put some humans to shame .
12 The point is that some things in health services ca n't easily be looked at with quantitative methods alone .
13 The point is that some parents do it habitually .
14 It is not quite a handicap system either but the point is that some sufferers can , for instance , swim better than others and may therefore go up a classification .
15 Part of the alleged unfairness is that some plaintiffs in the United States courts will be denied the extensive discovery available to plaintiffs generally ; but that is to give absolutely no weight to the specifically international aspects present in particular cases .
16 In a national newspaper with a wide circulation , the inference was that some readers would know the special facts which identified him .
17 The second development was that some Basrah crude finally reached the open sea .
18 The success of these individual desires not withstanding , general belief is that some form of compromise is most likely .
19 This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base ( CAB ) : the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun .
20 The logical extension of this argument is that some form of interdependence might be possible , where Third World actors could carve out niches for themselves in the crevices that the hegemon TNCs leave unattended .
21 The only difference when we open the economy to foreign trade is that some relief for I m could occur if an additional part of C m now comes from abroad .
22 Another reason why you may not see them mating is that some adults can lay eggs without mating first .
23 Although during his visit Miyazawa had suggested that compensation was an issue which should be decided by the courts , his immediate response to the formal compensation demand was that some form of recompense was necessary to demonstrate Japan 's remorse .
24 The argument was that some candidates , particularly from the emergent Labour Party , were not of independent means and would be otherwise unable to serve if they were elected ( the first Labour MPs had appeared in 1906 ) .
25 A recurring comment was that some patients deliberately prolong treatment .
26 The results of this approach are that some individuals may be committed to lifelong drug therapy which they do not need .
27 The main problem of an edge interpretation is that some form of intelligence is necessary to add the material between edges and so remove the lines that are naturally hidden by the surrounding solids and surfaces .
28 A further concern is that some journals do not transmit the referees ' comments to the authors ; this wastes the referees ' time and fails to appreciate that they want to improve published articles not just act as gatekeepers .
29 A further consideration is that some variables such as occupation , industry and educational qualifications were only coded for 10% of non-imputed households .
30 One effect of the early deadline was that some teachers claimed that their reports had to be rushed and that there was little opportunity for a considered appraisal :
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