Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 Raynor had tipped a basket of logs on to the fire , and warmth and light were washing over the room .
2 And the light is fading over the deaths which take place right upstage .
3 Marco was stepping over the spasming limb as if the robot was n't there .
4 Then a reminder of the tragedy came during World War I when a Polish soldier was walking over the bridge one starlit night when he saw the wraith of a man dancing on the parapet .
5 Already Lavender 's scheming mind was going over the possibilities that this water-jug job had opened up for her .
6 I looked as if I was reading the paper , but my mind was going over the events at Ingard House , and the curious discrepancy in the stories about Andrew Stavanger .
7 The knife was sharper than she 'd allowed , and soon blood was spurting over the tablecloth with each heartbeat .
8 The wind was blowing over the top of Jinny 's head , fluttering the loose , short hairs round her forehead .
9 Sticking with clothing , those hapless popsters OCEAN COLOUR SCENE are grieving over the loss of more than £2,000 worth of T-shirts which managed to fall out of the back of their van while they drove through the Moseley area of Birmingham last week .
10 While the universe is mulling over the implications of this , Mr Adam turns up .
11 Anxiety is growing over the Government 's commitment to energy sources such as wind , wave and solar power since Colin Moynihan , the Energy Minister who championed the cause , lost his seat at the general election .
12 The sun was shining over the Gower Peninsula and the train was sending me all how-green-was-my-valley .
13 AT A crowded night market in Bangkok a stallholder and a tourist are haggling over the price of a polo shirt .
14 The unmistakable shape of a turkey vulture was soaring over the rocky ridge below which the jumbled boulders of the mysterious ‘ stone runs ’ flowed in great ‘ rivers ’ down the hillsides and out on to almost level ground .
15 A question mark is hanging over the $1m contract awarded to Informix Software Inc last January by the Czechoslovakian Federal Ministry of the Interior to provide citizen registration and administration software to local municipalities .
16 The sun had set and dusk was closing over the moor , which looked grey and melancholy .
17 She heard a ‘ Gee up ! there , ’ and then the cab was rolling over the cobbles .
18 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
19 We arrived at an other dam around noon ; water was rushing over the huge rocks and it was too risky to try to paddle across so the canoes were lined across .
20 Er all the water was coming over the doors .
21 I awakened Taff at first light ( for stand-to ) as the early morning Normandy mist was gathering over the fields and hedgerows .
22 In June 1936 , Jacques met Morris in an attempt to explain the ways in which the Cambridge Board and the District were co-operating over the provision of adult education in an attempt to persuade the LEA to increase its annual grant , then a mere £20 .
23 ‘ What is it ? ’ he answered , standing , looking across to where the captain was kneeling over the fallen man .
24 Mahmud and his cousin were haggling over the price of a game called Willy Beamish . ’
25 When I emerge Bill is looking over the side , around the boat , with a mixture of rage and disbelief .
26 When the Minister considers the proposed closure of research vessel support services at Barry , the destruction of the environmental research centre at Bangor , the threat to the environment from the Water Bill and the failure of Government Ministers to obtain a separate water authority for Wales , does he agree that the Secretary of State is presiding over the destruction of environmental research in Wales ?
27 The man was bending over the trough , sloshing handfuls of water everywhere .
28 Up above , the other man was clambering over the iron rail of the terrace , a dark and uncertain shape against the night sky .
29 Lorne was dangling over the bowsprit filming as I firmly held his legs , when he was taken off-guard by a violent lurch and dropped our wide-angle lens cap overboard .
30 The growing strength of Spanish Communism and its identification with the international movement to aid the Republic , underline the increasing influence which the Soviet Union was exercising over the European Left .
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