Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A characteristic two pages of the text are given to Corot 's landscapes , five pictures being cited , though the reader is less fortunate than the lecture audience , as only two are illustrated .
2 Note how blacks are invested with vastly exaggerated powers of social combination whilst the ethnic majority are reduced to minority status — ‘ just our lot from the estate ’ .
3 A number of teachers have of course been exposed to discovery methods , the principles of new maths and new science ; there is , however , a strong countervailing trend in which pupils know from their CPE texts what are the answers , the definitions of the scientific laws , and increasingly regard as a waste of time proving by rudimentary experiments what they already know .
4 The eleven faculty members who made the decision are sworn to secrecy .
5 This fact , and the decay-rate restrictions discussed below , lie behind the paucity of experimental evidence on Ikeda instabilities : only in two all-optical systems ( both pulsed rather than continuous-wave ) has 2tR oscillation and chaos been observed to date .
6 Towards the end of the first year , students who have made satisfactory progress are transferred to M.Phil or Ph.D .
7 Does he agree that it would be an act of the most amazing folly to tamper with the provisions that currently apply , and yet that is exactly what the Opposition are committed to doing if they win the general election ?
8 Although most patients who are brought to the attention of their doctors after an attempt are referred to hospital , a proportion are dealt with by general practitioners ( p. 10 ) .
9 Essentially all previous studies of the Prisoners ' Dilemma are confined to individuals or organized groups who can remember past encounters , who have high probabilities of future encounters ( with little discounting of future pay-offs ) , and who use these facts to underpin more-or-less elaborate strategies of cooperation or defection .
10 Has the Russian spring been done to death in literature ?
11 Every new partner should ensure that his terms of partnership are reduced to writing .
12 It is not known whether retrovirus can be assembled in which all the subunits of the viral envelope protein are fused to antibody , and if so whether the virus would infect cells .
13 They will be based on MUMPS database and programming language , using DataTree 's client/server software and Greystone 's host-based system software which wlil be adapted to Sequoia 's systems ( UX No 386 ) .
14 Advantage : the toilet is within the house and could in the future be connected to sewers rather than a soakway .
15 Although the two companies hinted that further products might in future be ported to Solaris , nothing appears to have been agreed so far .
16 It recommends that workers in the nuclear and radiological industries should in future be limited to exposure of 20 millisieverts a year , as opposed to 50 at present .
17 Why should the same weight be given to Harry 's second preference or Dick 's fifth as to Tom 's first " ?
18 His lawyer made a further complaint , alleging harassment , and urged that those responsible for the torture be brought to justice .
19 An arrestable offence is defined as one for which a person may by virtue of any statute be sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years , or an attempt to commit such an offence .
20 So , too , is the workload being devolved to Cabinet committees .
21 Rudder speaks of the manor being given to Flaxley Abbey by the Earl of Hereford , and that the ‘ Abbat had a grant of an iron forge and of two oaks every week out of the Forest of Dean , for the maintenance of the forge , of King Henry the Second ’ .
22 In man , X could be a newly acquired possibility ( e.g. human cloning or hang-gliding ) , perceived by some individuals as being socially undesirable , the perception being communicated to others linguistically .
23 I entirely agree with er my honourable friend , er not only er is the lower non-wage cost a reason for inward investment being attracted to Britain but it 's also why together with our general economic policy , why workers in Britain enjoy in real terms , some of the best take home pay packets in Europe .
24 Starting with the categories of information used in this form individual comments from both the description and potential risks condition were assigned to categories .
25 Certificates of Recommendation were awarded to Thomas Mundy , aged 60 , for the rescue of a boy aged 3 from a mill lode at Hull on 4th April 1906 ; Charles Pain in 1920 for saving a woman attempting suicide , and to Howard Swinbourne , aged 34 , for saving a suicidal woman from the River Trent at Nottingham on 20th May 1985 .
26 Mr Fallon , a junior education minister , puts the figure being lost to Darlington schools at around £700,000 each year .
27 I thought ‘ oh no , not all the way back to the east end of London and risk my car being smashed to bits ’ , but there was Jim and Paul Simpson on the left , dazzling , running rings around those irons .
28 Offering being made to temple idol by attending priest .
29 22 non-sick inmates of the institution were sent to Ampthill , and 88 to Biggleswade , while six children were transferred to the Kempston Children 's Home .
30 In the unlikely event of an alternative Administration being returned to power and seeking to get talks started , on the basis of my experience over the past two years I wish the hon. Gentleman well .
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