Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] just begin " in BNC.

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1 Much of our knowledge of Beaker burials derives from excavations conducted in the last century , when the principles of good archaeological practice were only just beginning to be formulated .
2 This aspect of his practice is only just beginning to change , but he intends to persevere with it , spurred on by the personal satisfaction he has derived from ‘ seeing them do their maths ’ .
3 To give an idea of the desolation of some of the villages ( in the Saratov area ) ( may mention that the village of Kano , in the Markstadt district , which has a normal population of over 3,000 , has now only 1,100 inhabitants left , and remember the winter is only just beginning .
4 Against some odds , President Yeltsin has won the part of the Russian referendum that he says matters most , but the really hard work is only just beginning .
5 For Hoddle and his men the hard work is only just beginning
6 The real work is only just beginning .
7 They have weathered every kind of financial storm over the centuries and have skills which the public sector is only just beginning to learn .
8 The steady gaze was only just beginning to show a hint of scorn .
9 My wife and I went to Poona and for nine months took charge of the Willingdon Soldiers ' Club , at a time when welfare and amenities work was only just beginning .
10 Cos the day 's only just begun !
11 The retreat movement is only just beginning to establish itself north of the Border and I feel strongly that a quiet space can be of real benefit in today 's hectic and stressful lifestyle . ’ ‘
12 Feminist cinema may be a ‘ global issue ’ , in Susan Hayward 's words , too large and bumpy and may be possible to argue that in theoretical and critical terms the truly global issues of a multi-racial international feminism are only just beginning to be addressed .
13 In 1786 , when the true age of man was only just beginning to be appreciated , Anglo-Saxon remains were first identified as such .
14 With a deep , reassuring certainty Gina knew that for both of them the rhapsody of love was only just beginning .
15 Even though Plato wrote these words over two thousand years ago , we in the modern western world are only just beginning to resonate in harmony with his tune of truth .
16 Our new insight into the structure of glass is only just beginning .
17 With Cardiff City considering taking up the League of Wales challenge , perhaps the South 's domination is only just beginning .
18 MIKHAIL GORBACHEV 's days as a top politician may be over , but his career as a movie star is only just beginning .
19 Before 1848 it had seemed for a moment that its crisis of transition ( see The Age of Revolution , p. 304 ) might also prove to be its final crisis , at least in England , but in the 1850s it became clear that its major period of growth was only just beginning .
20 HOT Canada Ice Desalinated iceberg water — in the shops now Buying East German Hurry , hurry , while stocks last — one fifth has to go Tequila-flavoured lollipops Lick every bit — even the maggot Bobble hats and berets Essential headgear for the winter Sex as an ice cream substitute Yum , yum Dustin Hoffman Makes his gangster debut in Billy Bathgate Organic fruit juices The scam is only just beginning Barry Manilow The icon of trash culture on tour Kane toads The real thing .
21 The ability to display airframes and artifacts within such a building is only just beginning to be capitalised upon by NAM .
22 FA Cup Final fever may be dissipating but excitement is only just beginning to mount over plans for a croquet centre of excellence .
23 This aspect of evaluation is only just beginning to receive the attention it deserves .
24 And the nightmare was only just beginning .
25 At this time West German rearmament was only just beginning to gather momentum .
26 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
27 After all , it was maintained , who was to say that the Dunstaple treatment was not just beginning to work each time as McNab began to apply his treatment ?
28 Under her left breast , whose pale skin was only just beginning to give up its bloom to death , was a tiny , dark-red blob , no bigger than a sand flea .
29 However , one ought to keep an open mind on the subject , remembering that the large-scale , objective study of suprasegmental aspects of real speech is only just beginning , and there is much research that needs to be done .
30 Trowark style is large , enveloping and extremely cosy with an almost indestructible quality — one five-year-old jumper seen by The Independent is only just beginning to look ‘ broken in ’ after years of frequent machine washing and hard wear .
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