Example sentences of "[noun sg] will have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Neither horse will have the benefit of their usual riding partners as Cumani 's stable-jockey , Ray Cochrane , last night gave up his weekend rides as he was in pain from the shoulder injury sustained in the Doncaster pile-up three weeks ago .
2 I very much hope that , unlike last time , the Opposition will have the grace to allow the Government to respond to the points made in the debate .
3 The card will have the University name and photograph printed prominently on it .
4 If agreement for mutual exchange is not reached at an early stage , the defendant will have the advantage of first sight of at least one of the plaintiff 's medical reports .
5 Because three-quarters of women with gonorrhoea will have the infection in the urethra , one might expect urethral discharge to be a common finding in infected women .
6 The professor will have the option of becoming ( or remaining ) a member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme ( USS ) .
7 The red menace is gone and Italians must face the question of whether their country can hold together ; whether it can be governed efficiently and whether a new administration will have the courage to beat public debt , the Mafia and corruption .
8 Every refugee applicant will have the right to go to the adjudicator , who will decide .
9 Every refugee applicant will have the right to appeal to the adjudicator .
10 SuperJanet will have the potential for dramatic increase in performance , to carry multimedia applications , such as information services and distance learning material .
11 In such cases , however , the Committee will have the benefit of the opinions of holders of high judicial office and those opinions will be based upon law .
12 As Yorkshire is the homeland of Henry Moore , and the exhibition is sponsored by the Henry Moore Foundation , one suspects that Flanagan 's work will have the Father of British Sculpture turning , twisting , and perhaps even somersaulting , in his grave .
13 The report side-steps such questions as whether the council will have the resources to protect threatened sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) or to promote conservation in the countryside as a whole ( see p 7 ) .
14 J Wood in the Custom House and Silvertown Ward expressed the need to administer effectively the 1918 Education Act , 1918 Maternity Act , and the 1919 Housing and Town Planning Act : ‘ In a period of reconstruction only a majority of conscious Socialist and labour men and women on the council will have the determination to make West Ham a healthier , cleaner , more sanitary town to live in ’ .
15 The new law will have the advantage that the prosecution will not be in the present difficulty ( referred to in paragraph 19 ) of deciding which of two mutually exclusive offences to charge .
16 When a penalty is kicked directly into touch the same team will have the throw-in .
17 If a free kick is kicked into touch on the full , the team will not gain ground and when a penalty kick is kicked directly to touch , the same team will have the throw-in .
18 The entire team will have the incentive to be diligent , including being diligent in monitoring each other , but individual managers will have this incentive only if their own contribution is identifiable , and in the nature of things this will probably not be possible .
19 The solicitor acting on behalf of the purchaser will have the opportunity to examine the conditions prior to exchange of contracts .
20 But there is every chance that the Mains methods will work , and that Mains will have the luxury of starting his career with a public relations system between team and media being put into place .
21 The leader of the ruling Labour group , Tom McCabe , believes the move will have the support of the electorate because ‘ we are aiming to give the people of Hamilton District value for money ’ .
22 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will have the grace to acknowledge that progress and those achievements .
23 When the time comes , the hon. Gentleman will have the pleasure — if he holds his seat — of staying on the Opposition Benches .
24 As a result of our decision Mr. Nathan 's successor in title will be left with the freehold of the remainder of No. 263–265 which , though retail premises , will have no frontage to a shopping street : the L.C.C . 's successors in title will have the freehold to a strip of land with a road frontage but probably incapable of being used save in conjunction with the land from which it was severed in 1930 , i.e. the remainder of No. 263–265 .
25 He said ( at pp128 , 129 ) : The respondent will have the £10,000 to which I have referred as damages in respect of ( a ) loss of her dependency and ( b ) loss of her interest in the savings which her husband would have made .
26 In the last resort , however , the court will have the power , of its motion and after hearing the parties if they wish , to strike out a case , leaving it to the parties to resolve the matter themselves .
27 The Directive is legally binding and all professionals whose qualifications fall within its scope will have the right to have their qualifications recognised .
28 Thus when the index register holds a value ( say ) 4 , the " add " instruction will have the effect " add into the accumulator the contents of store location ( 99+4 ) or 103 " .
29 One pertinent observation is that a pronominal reference to an inanimate object will have the gender of the noun that would be used to describe the object in that context .
30 Graphically , changes in expectations about the exchange rate will have the effect of shifting the L 2 curve in Figure 16.6 .
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