Example sentences of "[noun sg] which have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 They 're all members of the British Nuclear Test Veteran Association which has campaigned for the last ten years to get recognition for its members , who feel they were used as human guinea pigs .
2 It was not an uncommon practice in the Middle Ages , where the corpses of the rich and powerful were concerned , to remove one or more of the organs — usually the heart — for burial at the place of death , such as the monastery which had cared for the person in their infirmary during the final illness .
3 The dual system of rule which had prevailed for centuries was formally ended and national government brought under the aegis of the reigning sovereign whose authority was recognized throughout the country .
4 She wished to collect two items overlooked in the haste of her first departure : her deck of Tarot cards and , for wise consoling company , the porcelain figure of a Chinese mandarin which had stood for many years in her bedroom at the Hall .
5 When France and Spain made peace in 1659 after a struggle which had lasted for almost a quarter of a century it was agreed that their representatives , Cardinal Mazarin and Don Luis de Haro , should meet on a small island in the River Bidassoa , which separated their territories in the Pyrenees .
6 There are very significant sub-regional policies cross border migration which have existed for many many years .
7 Only , therefore , when the public come to terms with the nature of mental handicap and break down the barriers of misunderstanding which have existed for centuries , will a real sense of understanding permeate our society .
8 There is no mention of the military exclusion zone which has existed for at least two years , for anything up to seven days a week , around the highest Eildon .
9 The dispute between Huddersfield Polytechnic and Kirklees Metropolitan Council which has continued for a number of years illustrates most of the tensions which may develop between a polytechnic and its local authority .
10 It was the law of joint enterprise in homicide which had done for him , the same law which had hanged Derek Bentley .
11 This was her first big opportunity to reply to the barrage of criticism and , as she saw it , ingratitude which had marred for her the celebration last May of her 10 years in office .
12 : WHEN Ian Smith caught Graham Gooch off the bowling of Danny Morrison in the first Test match last winter he broke a New Zealand wicketkeeping record which had stood for 45 years .
13 So it thus came about that the fields , meadows , pastures and arable acres of Combsburgh were finally taken in from the waste which had existed for millenia .
14 When the great house becomes the possession of a nation , it can more easily be accepted as ‘ a noble picture ’ , ‘ a history in stone ’ , preserving in art , if not in life , that radiant aspect of Chesney Wold as Esther first sees it , that remembered notion of human community which has gone for good .
15 Simmel emphasizes the paradoxical nature of culture , recognizing the essentially positive process of modernity which has allowed for hitherto unimaginable possibilities ; but he is wary of the forces which lead towards reification and autonomy , both of which are inimical to human interests .
16 He had been admitted with a fever which had lasted for three weeks .
17 The new renown of Walter Machin and the heady publicity which had resulted for the town in which he lived had suggested to the Arts Club committee ( a mixture of the local genteel and the local far left ) that a retrospective of the work of his stepson might neatly capitalize on the widespread interest .
18 Dean Acheson responded that the unhappy stalemate which had existed for a lengthy period could not be extended .
19 A few months later the decyphering organisation which had existed for not far short of two centuries also disappeared .
20 Even conceding that the drugs trade generates large flows of cash , the idea that the Mafia is a single , stable organisation which has survived for the past 50 years largely intact is plainly wrong .
21 The policy change , which the 600-member council endorsed , was nonetheless a victory for the Movement for Multiparty Democracy ( MMD ) , a broad alliance which had campaigned for urgent constitutional changes on the grounds that the referendum was unnecessary .
22 If this House were to apply such a principle it would involve going beyond what any of the authorities have decided , departing from such decisions as Slater v. Burnley Corporation ; William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King and Twyford v. Manchester Corporation which have stood for many years and would involve making new law .
23 The National Retreat Movement which has existed for 30 years to promote spirituality and retreats of all kinds within the Catholic community of England , Wales and Scotland , has the information available .
24 Whether society has the right to determine its own morality is a debate which has raged for some time .
25 It 's the latest twist in the lengthy club versus country row which has simmered for the last two seasons .
26 One society which has featured for the first time in this year 's results is the Standard building society .
27 But I believe from the written evidence that there is equally no dispute that the boundary which has existed for ten years , the tight boundary , is also capable of being a suitable greenbelt boundary if indeed there is to be an inset .
28 In reply to a letter from Sheldon Vanauken , who , after his wife 's death , wrote to Lewis about their love which had remained for him an end in itself , Lewis replied :
29 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
30 Nevertheless , it is the growth of white-collar employment which has accounted for most of the expansion of the upper middle class .
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