Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [vb -s] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is Labour 's insistence on putting the cart before the horse which fills me with gloom .
2 Members are given a discount card which entitles them to 10% of all yarn and haberdashery purchases from the shop and they also have the opportunity to sell their garments through the shop on a commission basis .
3 I propose that we reject the central image of ourselves as victims and install instead an alternative conception which sees us as an active force working in many different ways for our freedom from racial subordination .
4 And in fact what marks the two genres off from each other is not so much the nature of the devices , but the nature of the opposition which constructs them as literature .
5 Just as importantly , he is possessed of a generosity of mind which allows him to be calmly judicious about the merits of writers who can advocate militant homosexuality and drug-taking ( such as Thom Gunn ) , sympathise with feminism ( Elaine Feinstein ) or adhere to some variant of Marxism ( Hugh MacDiarmid ) .
6 As W S Steer pointed out , ‘ … the department which prides itself on never making a mistake is almost certainly grossly overstaffed ’ ( Wiseman 1970:87 ) .
7 Thus if the first purpose of a particular religion is to help people to a sense of the presence of God and express a response to God , then the study of the ritual which helps them towards this goal must constantly draw attention to this significance .
8 Much later in the books of Samuel we find another story concerning the ark which reminds us of the battle with the Philistines .
9 If a supplier decides to increase his market share by attracting higher usage by occasional users , he must first attempt to find out whether they buy competitors ' goods or not , or where there is something about the present marketing mix which dissuades them from buying more frequently .
10 The relatively high completion rates for the ‘ Other NSEs ’ reflects the fact that this includes students with ‘ professional , nursing , technical or secretarial qualifications ’ The pattern which emerges is that students who have been selected on the basis of success in some form of study which prepares them for the demands which will be placed on them in higher education respond as least as well if not better than the traditionally qualified A-level entrants , while those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
11 Traditional examinations rely on a single mark or a grade to indicate the level of performance relative to other pupils , although it is an indication which says nothing about the nature of the achievement .
12 From the point of view of teacher activity as pragmatic mediation , operational techniques are the enactment of ideas previously subjected to appraisal which provides them with a rationale .
13 Again after the middle ten lines there is another break which takes us into the last section of the poem with the words ‘ at last ’ .
14 Sections on Calligraphy , Illustration , Typography and Book Design make way for a commercial break which introduces us to 28 first editions of Penguin paperbacks .
15 In an institution which prides itself on keeping politicians at arm 's length ( a rare achievement in Italy ) , Mr Dini 's contacts with the former government of Giulio Andreotti were unpopular .
16 Laurie , known to the boxing boys as Lol , believes boxing can give ‘ lads with fire in their belly ’ an ambition which keeps them on the straight and narrow .
17 By its very nature the trial is a passive form of review which confines itself to an examination of the finished product of the police investigation .
18 Certainly , the law will not imply a term which prevents him from doing so .
19 Thus if I break a promise for my own convenience , I fail to treat the person to whom I made it as an end in himself , for I can hardly expect him to endorse a principle of action which allows him to be treated thus .
20 That kind of approach is , however , very much second best in comparison to a negotiated deal which provides you with genuine job security .
21 That kind of approach is , however , very much second best in comparison to a negotiated deal which provides you with genuine job security .
22 The problem , in other words , for the British in arguing their case for free trade is that they are up against a deep cultural divide which separates them from most of the other Member States .
23 The left-angled Swastika symbolizes the centripetal force related to the pull of gravity — the force which ties us to mental stagnation — decay and dissolution .
24 The geological availability of these is used by geographers and historians as a strong argument for why settlements are sited near them when engaged in mining them , or when a particular industry which uses them as a raw material has to be nearby .
25 Another reason for choosing Collins was the designer 's penchant for wood epoxy construction , an attractive , strong and relatively easy method of building which allows plenty of scope for the interior to be custom-designed and completed to the owner 's specification .
26 Such studies are rare since they require an examination of media practices and content as well as a critical assessment of the media 's presentation of the ‘ real world ’ — an assessment which takes it for granted that the media do not reproduce ‘ reality ’ in a pure form ; their use of language and images as well as the working practices of journalists inevitably refract ‘ reality ’ , so ‘ distorting ’ it .
27 Any or all of these factors may encourage you to seek to negotiate a settlement which entitles you to speedy payment of a lump sum and perhaps other benefits , even if the value of the total package is less than the amount that you might theoretically win if you sued and all went well .
28 After the court refused a stay , lawyers for the investors agreed to a settlement which puts them on an equal footing with other unsecured L&H creditors .
29 A story which contains nothing beyond itself is a very narrow representation of human life .
30 ‘ I have been disappointed with our results , but I would like to stay on and honour my contract which keeps me in the post until December 1994 , ’ said the Dutchman .
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