Example sentences of "[noun sg] or [vb base] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Students may use this form to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a certificate or DipHE as a terminal or intermediate award and may even indicate the order in which their two fields are to be listed on their transcript and CNAA parchment .
2 FAST does not consider the possibility of a social discontinuity or rupture as a necessary Step towards the biosociety .
3 Equally , with the use of appropriate figures , it would show that CDs become more liquid , the nearer they get to maturity , i.e. the nearer to maturity they get , the smaller is the loss or gain as a result of changes in prevailing yields .
4 Those manufacturing or marketing computer software or hardware are advised to register a distinctive name or mark as a trade mark and not to rely on the law of passing-off which requires an established reputation .
5 Though everybody knew that the constitution of Sparta was behind the reputation of Spartan generals and soldiers , it would have been beneath the ordinary standards of Greek historical judgement to explain an individual victory or defeat as a product of the Spartan constitution .
6 These are the small pools which accommodate a fountain in a confined space or serve as a receptacle to catch water spouting from a gargoyle .
7 AT&T Co says it is studying a device that would turn an ordinary television set into a terminal that could call up films , shows and information or act as a video telephone , but it insisted that it is only in the prototype phase and denied a Los Angeles Times story that a field test of the technology would be announced next month ; it would neither confirm nor deny that it is teaming up with BellSouth Corp and Viacom International Inc in the interactive television work .
8 The new entry-level nCube 2E — for parallel software development , entry-level scientific computing or use as a networked database server — is due to ship in October starting at $30,000 in the US , and $40,000 to $50,000 in Europe .
9 Rule 5 — 30(1) provides that a firm must not recommend a transaction to a private customer or act as a discretionary manager unless it has taken reasonable steps to enable the private customer to understand the nature of the risks involved .
10 The Society forbade any member to hold office or take as a spouse an individual who might invite or arouse the curiosity of the press .
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