Example sentences of "[noun sg] as she [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Smoothing down her skirt as she seated herself , she reached over and started up the secondary computer .
2 Ace unfastened her safety harness and clutched the sides of her shaking couch as she pulled herself into a sitting position .
3 Grasping her small suitcase in one hand , Gina followed the sign , drawing up with a soft exclamation of pleasure as she found herself in an oblong courtyard surrounded on two sides by what was obviously her hotel , a tall building of nineteenth-century architecture , its red-tiled roof gabled and decorated with iron curlicues , its many-paned white-framed windows set in mellowed red brick reflecting the pale northern sunshine .
4 Cautiously she made her way down them and flicked on the light , gasping in appreciation as she found herself in an ultra-modern kitchen .
5 A faint , ironic smile played about her mouth as she allowed herself , just for a minute , to imagine what the weekend could have held if she had been one of Dane 's legion of devoted followers .
6 Gina gave an awkward laugh as she detached herself from his hold .
7 He heard the garden chair squeak and sigh as she heaved herself out of
8 Besides having confidence in his artistic and physical abilities , he had a great passion for Nature as she showed herself in the Lake District which not only initiated his venture but maintained it all his life .
9 He watched his wife carefully out of the corner of his eye as she busied herself , stacking blankets , opening chests , replacing candles in their holders .
10 ‘ Hallo , ’ said the Englishman as she helped herself to a mug of courtesy coffee at the desk .
11 Her nipple was hard and swollen in Luke 's mouth , its hot stinging ache too much like pleasure , and she knew herself doubly degraded , by his kiss and by her own response to it , the pleading curve of her body as she pressed herself into his mouth a flagrant denial of the protest screaming in her mind .
12 On the phone an oily face cracked a smile as she identified herself .
13 He gave her a strained smile as she extricated herself .
14 Boudariah , she began , slowly repeating his name as she settled herself more comfortably and tugged at her long , old-fashioned mask .
15 Glad that her limited knowledge of Danish included an apology , she blinked away her tears , raising her eyes to the stranger 's face and freezing as completely as Lot 's wife as she found herself looking into the ice-blue eyes of the man she loved .
16 No , it did n't ; he still persisted in either standing too close or laying his hand on her arm then watching with amusement as she wrenched herself free .
17 Polly caught her breath as she drew herself up .
18 The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic as she introduced herself with a soft Cockney accent and a shy manner .
19 There was a nice cool breeze wafting up from the river as she settled herself in the shelter of the huge willow tree , at the water 's edge .
20 All the same , she was n't best pleased to be disturbed by a knock on her door as she wrapped herself in a towelling robe and hid her wet hair in a turban after she stepped out of the shower .
21 Pride gave a lift to Emily 's chin as she braced herself to move further into the room and greet her kinswomen .
22 Fear thawed her , lending her unusual strength as she tore herself out of Rune 's arms , desire draining from her body and leaving her cold and shaken .
23 Even the deeds of valour , so proudly recorded , only added to her depression as she reminded herself that each was committed in response to yet one more example of man 's inhumanity to man .
24 Sarella gave a gasp as she found herself staring up into the thunderous face of Marc himself .
25 Rachel 's face glistened in the gloom as she urged herself to her climax — sweat and staring eyes , tongue darting between dry lips , breath panting .
26 She practically flung herself into the driver 's seat , moaning loudly with pain as she eased herself into position and started the engine .
27 Trish made a face as she poured herself coffee .
28 But she could not help a resurgence of the queries raised in her mind at the hint of scandal in connection with his mother as she found herself in Mrs Alderley 's coach , being driven to Switham House .
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