Example sentences of "[noun sg] from [noun] to end " in BNC.

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1 When life gets too stressful , I play a Moody Blues album from end to end .
2 The attainment of a good standard depends on programmed progress sustained through the term from beginning to end .
3 Additionally , the Small Business Administration will provide agents to help each business to develop a sound business plan from beginning to end .
4 Only complete parses of the phonemic string from beginning to end of the utterance were counted .
5 A failure from beginning to end .
6 His account of the Italian is sheer joy from beginning to end , and it 's hard to believe that he was almost 87 .
7 But what held the audience 's rapt attention from beginning to end was above all the genius of Verdi himself and the superlative grandeur of his music .
8 Leading companies in the US take the whole process from beginning to end , from assistance in credit marketing , through processing applications to opening accounts and managing them , all based on a complete picture of each individual and their circumstances .
9 Little Billy climbed onto his back , and as the great swan spread his wings and flew away , the whole forest , not just the tree they were in but the whole forest from end to end , came alive with the cheering of a million Minpins .
10 The Mother Superior did n't need to check Aggie 's flow , she did it herself , saying , ‘ Well , this one here ’ — she now thumbed towards Millie — ‘ I 'd like to bet she 's read the Bible from beginnin' to end , an' many other books besides .
11 One person assembles one product from beginning to end ; the workers say it 's more satisfying that way and Peavey say they get better quality work , as well as being able to respond quicker to market demands .
12 One person assembles one product from beginning to end ; the workers say it 's more satisfying that way and Peavey say they get better quality work , as well as being able to respond quicker to market demands .
13 At Long Beach , Mario notched up another victory and by Spain , the new car was beginning to show its real value : Mario was on pole position , led the race from beginning to end and put the opposition into disarray .
14 You can read a newspaper from beginning to end and you can write better than those fellas who keep the thing goin' .
15 This has obvious consequences for the use of the infinitive : since operative know evokes the following of the infinitive 's event from beginning to end through direct experience , there is no way to conceive know as existing before the beginning of the event perceived , and therefore no to before the infinitive .
16 Students are taught , for instance , to ‘ read ’ in a different way from that of everyday practice : rather than reading a text from beginning to end in the sequence in which the publisher has ordered it , they are urged to select what they want for particular purposes from different parts of the text , using the contents page , index , chapter headings etc. and moving backwards and forwards within that text and to other texts .
17 Offred does n't tell her story from beginning to end .
18 But it was really Ben 's story from beginning to end .
19 Law centres employ full-time staff , including lawyers , and will handle a client 's case from beginning to end , including representation in court or at a tribunal .
20 The traverse of the ridge from end to end is a challenge exclusively for equipped and experienced cragsmen , progress along it being possible only by arduous scrambling and rockclimbing .
21 The tall slender piers support a high vault and there is no triforium or clerestory wall to obstruct the vista from end to end and from side to side of the church , only a forest of delicate piers .
22 The heavy freight diesel replacement policy was a muddle from beginning to end .
23 I spent many hours hidden in the bushes , silently watching one pair of bulbuls make their nest from beginning to end .
24 The Mediterranean area sprung to life from end to end on 6 May .
25 They 'd not really given themselves the opportunity to consider a song from beginning to end — with them it was just get high and play .
26 The wedding breakfast was a feast , and the champagne flowed like water ; the party went with a swing from beginning to end .
27 ‘ As most of our customers and suppliers are also registered , there is an unbroken line of quality assurance from beginning to end of the products 's life . ’
28 The tracks vary in their individual interest , and I am not sure that there is enough variety in the textures to warrant playing the CD from beginning to end .
29 It is our view that a lack of consensus about the nature of study skills and their appropriate organisation and delivery has characterised the project from beginning to end .
30 Even if you are certain in your mind about the usefulness/uselessness of a particular book , it is good practice to skim through the book from beginning to end .
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