Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
2 He could not find Strawberry but after a time Cowslip came up to him from the other end of the hall .
3 Oh , I can see now that it was unworthy and beside the point but at the time I was so exasperated with the man and his perfidy that any ammunition would have done .
4 He had applied for a grant but at the time Liverpool City Council was snowed under by applications .
5 Of course the message had to be wrapped in a fairly light romantic story but at the time of the opening there was concern that publicity was concentrating too much on the comedy and not enough on the ‘ timeliness ’ of the film .
6 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
7 Technically no one was allowed to leave the city on Passover night but by the time of Jesus there were so many pilgrims in the city that the rule was relaxed to include an area surrounding the city .
8 A Immediately after it is published is an important time for lobbying the Government but by the time the White Paper appears , the framework for the reforms will largely be set .
9 I tried a machine to express milk in the hospital but by the time the milk did start to come through she was really used to the bottle .
10 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
11 The social historian can now fit this slump into the wider pattern of events that was to add up to the Great Depression but at the time motion-picture executives in production and distribution were more given to introspection than to socio-economic analysis .
12 It was recorded with the original Wedding Present line-up but by the time it was released in February 1988 , Shaun Charman had been replaced by Simon Smith .
13 An object close to the camera , with a very short out-and-return light-path from flash to film , will be imaged while the sound-pulse is still at the back of the emulsion but by the time light from an object 15 metres away has reached the film , the sound-pulse will have reached its front face .
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