Example sentences of "[noun sg] she have make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Equally personal is Janet Smith 's The World Outside My Window , the first piece she has made since disbanding her company and the first in a long time that she has made to please herself .
2 She put the violin back into its case , picked up the bundle she had made of her coat and thrust it under her arm as she hoisted up her suitcase .
3 ‘ I do n't seem to have a lot of choice , ’ Jenna admitted , looking ruefully at the mess she had made of her own clothes .
4 She gave Jenna a startled look and disappeared , and Jenna thought of the mess she had made of her things .
5 What a mess she had made of it , by her own confession !
6 But the terrible mess she had made of her life !
7 She ran , ran from the memory of her own besottedness with this man , painfully aware what a fool she had made of herself before him , how she had opened her heart to him .
8 Lord , what a fool she 'd made of herself !
9 The first discovery she had made on return was that she had forgotten to take the cheesecake out of the freezer .
10 The stair carpet did n't begin until the floor below the attic — another discovery she had made about the lifestyle of servants .
11 Many had been the voyages of discovery she had made in this — the most powerful spacecraft that had never been built , and never will be .
12 Marek asked how much progress she had made in her murder investigation .
13 The only change she had made to the property was to build a garage , and after he had unloaded and put away the Jaguar he decided to climb to the top chamber of the mill while it was still light .
14 IMP had paid her generously , and she 'd hoarded the little money she 'd made on her flat once it had been sold , but it still had n't been enough to buy her somewhere to live .
15 It was the decision she 'd made on the silent journey back to the hotel , and one she intended to keep .
16 It was not that she felt a need for approval , but it was disheartening that these people should show so little comprehension of the sacrifice she had made in wedding her life to theirs .
17 She was shocked herself , but that shock was muted by the greater shock of realising that even now she was not certain that she would keep the appointment she had made for the morning .
18 As she followed him to the back of the shop , Sophie remembered with sharp dismay the appointment she had made with Dawn .
19 Even more , she had been quite ready to apologize for the public exhibition she had made of herself , and to ask his forgiveness .
20 ‘ There is nothing I would not do for you , ’ he replied , and all at once frustrated beyond enduring , ‘ For pity 's sake , woman , ’ he implored , and , reminding her of a comment she had made to him that delightful mealtime in Bečov , ‘ give me a straight answer to a straight question — are you going to marry me ? ’
21 She was enjoying the life she 'd made for herself here in Nottingham , and now she 'll have to go elsewhere .
22 The five-day trial centred on a telephone call she had made on Oct. 27 , 1988 , to her husband Hans Kopp , who was then vice-president of the Shakarchi Trading Company .
23 She decided this on Monday afternoon , having seen Anna digging manfully in the vegetable garden she had made behind the Rectory .
24 In assessing the financial relief to be awarded to the former wife of a millionaire after their divorce , pursuant to section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ( as amended by section 3 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 ) , the court should not calculate the wife 's share solely by reference to her needs , but could take account also of any exceptional contribution she had made to the creation of the husband 's wealth .
25 Her behaviour towards Falati was in breach of a promise she had made to her husband before the trial that she would curb her temper and her excesses and maintain a low profile , the ANC sources said .
26 But then she reminded herself of the promise she had made to another whom she loved .
27 When at 7.30 am on Saturday 8 May I saw Marion Reid sitting in brilliant sunshine on the pavement , beside the doll 's house she had made for the Sale , waiting for the Church doors to be opened , I knew that all would be well .
28 She will have spent the last 30 years of their marriage sitting in the passenger seat of the car which she is still unable to drive , disappearing into the kitchen when his climbing friends call round for a beer , and laughing dutifully at his mountain anecdotes over a dinner she has made for his boss .
29 Despite the impression she had made on television , Kylie was not certain she wanted to stay in acting when she left .
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