Example sentences of "[noun sg] they have [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unit stock control ( where each item is individually counted ) is a method used by retailers to calculate how much stock they have on the premises , including the warehouse or store-room .
2 Rumi compared the tears and the effect they have on the soul to drops of rain on the desert .
3 In his discussion Nash includes analyses of various authorial devices and the effect they have on the reader , concerning both the cognitive ( character perception and plot comprehension ) and affective ( development of empathetic feelings ) aspects of reading .
4 It 's a pretty modest document , which was never going to appeal greatly to Dublin or the SDLP , who would have to abandon the leverage they have through the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
5 Is that the only child they have at the present time ?
6 The apparent coherence of most musical styles , and of the relationship they have with the societies in which they exist , is not ‘ natural ’ but contrived ; it is the product of cultural work .
7 In terms of the impact they have on the traffic system in the city .
8 They enable powerful members to modify the impact they have within the family .
9 They give what money they have to the Agent ; yet they 're always finding that little bit extra , to give to me .
10 And for many visitors to Switzerland the fast through journey via Langnau may be the only experience they have of the Fmmental ( literally the valley of the river Emme ) , a district which illustrates the charm of the Berner Mittelland in high degree .
11 Privately police officers have told us , decisions on cautioning can depend on how much or how little faith they have in the courts to pass adequate sentences , and on how much paper work is required for a prosecution .
12 Thus , although they may be braille readers , they are not totally blind children and should be encouraged to use what vision they have in the learning situation .
13 Their working contexts impose certain limits on what they are able to do ; for example , on how many journalists they can employ and on how much news space they have on the paper .
14 In particular the vendor should seek assurances that the current shareholders have waived any rights of first call they have on the new shares and , if necessary , are prepared to enter into a shareholder 's agreement with the vendor .
15 These J Wave scientists are investigating Britain 's club culture at close hand , and Norman Cook is the nearest thing they have to a perfect specimen .
16 There is also a mention if the cargo contribution to airlines which for the passenger carriers is , at 50 per cent return on revenue , the most profitable thing they have in the market at the moment .
17 The head , body and arms of the characters portrayed should show the status they have in the society to which they belong whether it is rural , urban or fantastic , as well as their behaviour , customs , work or play .
18 The same mood continued after Monday night 's 3–0 home defeat at the hands of third-placed Pirelli — meaning that even if Alton were to win all five of the games in hand they have over the Eastleigh side , they would still be three points behind them .
19 If it is always assumed that they are intellectually inferior , what else is there for them to do … every time teachers are constantly amazed by the fact that in the first year they have at the moment there are two or three really bright West Indian boys , and it 's of constant amazement to people like Mr G … ‘ my goodness he 's bright where does he get it from ’ .
20 Members are asked to consider donating any suitable material they have to the Society .
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