Example sentences of "[noun sg] they were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 No wonder they were getting a raw deal .
2 After lunch they were given a detailed demonstration of how the Direct Banking system works and were so impressed that both accepted an invitation to join the service .
3 At the end of the session they were set a homework task and were invited to discuss their feelings .
4 He was n't on the piano in this intermission because in the next act they were using the orchestra pit as part of the scenery .
5 So those gentlemen were not only infringing the Sale of Goods Act they were committing a criminal offence as well by infringing the Trade Descriptions Act so they ended up being prosecuted by Trading Standards .
6 As they went down into the cellar bar they were given a loud hello ! by Mary Mauchline , one of their party .
7 By increasing the amount of deuterium they were raising the chance that two deuterons fused together .
8 On their return they were given the Charles University which they absorbed into the Clementinum , and the emperor became their protector .
9 ‘ [ W ] e must ensure that those who live in derelict inner-city areas are not people who are there because they have no choice and who would leave the moment they were given an alternative . ’
10 At this moment they were enjoying a sustaining breakfast of sausages , bacon , eggs and fried bread .
11 The caller gave the name of a football team and Ubaldo had to reply with the name of the team they were playing the following Sunday .
12 But so long as Mary of Guise 's position was upheld by her daughter , no amount of rhetoric could conceal the fact that in attacking the regent they were attacking the queen , and religious sincerity did not get them off the hook of treason ; thus , for example , when they seized the coining-irons of the mint in Edinburgh in July , it was an intelligent enough political and military act , but their efforts to justify it on the grounds that they were serving their country by stopping the regent 's debasement of the coinage rang all too hollow .
13 On the Saturday evening they were having a social and were to watch a striptease .
14 One minute they were having a philosophical discussion , and the next a very physical encounter , in which Shelley felt that her companion had the greater advantage .
15 Negative evidence confirms the impression that educated Russians had no notion they were approaching a watershed .
16 He hovered about the site restlessly , like one barefoot on thorns , all the while they were removing the debris of sagging , uprooted broom bushes , which Orrie phlegmatically loaded into a handcart and wheeled away along the riverside path to be unloaded and burned as far as possible from the sacred precincts .
17 On one of their visits , there was an uncanny , if hilarious , echo of the kind of political and religious turmoil experienced by Olive 's family in years gone by One day they were boarding a boat and noticed it contained a large number of sticks , shaped like rifles .
18 Later in the day they were given a lift in a horse and cart from west London out into the country .
19 The Football Association warned last night they were keeping a close eye on the sinning Saints after collecting five bookings and one dismissal in the opening two games of the season .
20 Northumbria police said last night they were questioning a 15-year-old and a man of 25 .
21 He was free to lay down what proportion of their produce was to be made over to him , and how many days in the week they were to work the fields he set aside for his own use .
22 But last week they were told the trial would again be delayed , possibly as late as May next year .
23 Officials could accept responsibility for their behaviour but argue that in being willingly loyal to the corporation they were obeying a superior moral imperative .
24 I mean , I 'm furious , again , in the newspaper this morning they were having a go at Convenor Milligan !
25 If it was a bonny day you worked on till sometimes three in the morning they were doing the .
26 Of course , the tutor-organisers of this ( as of any ) period were well aware that in trying to serve the voluntary movement they were walking a tightrope between doing too much , so depriving branch members of their rightful participation in and control of affairs , and doing too little , so appearing idle and inefficient .
27 In theory they were writing a book on the actors , but long since the fascination of collection for its own sake had taken over and work on the collation of evidence ceased .
28 If they were not actively asserting their authority they were taking a role of judge and referee as a consequence of children 's requests .
29 A very tiny handful of totally unrepresentative films achieved a certain notoriety but were in general lost sight of as attention focused on better films and in any case they were to represent a dead-end rather than a way forward .
30 It is doubtful whether they would have been able to afford the elaborate system which replaced this piecemeal amateur effort , and in any case they were spared the necessity of any expenditure since the Empress Elizabeth seized their assets in 1747 , just as plans were in hand to construct the new line .
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