Example sentences of "[noun sg] they had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mordecai had said that he usually approached the shop through the bazaar , and that was the side they had been watching .
2 As a result they had been driven out of the city by Richard 's agents and the cathedral was closed for twenty-one months .
3 Once again there was a flurry of bodies from the doorway they had been defending and another charge .
4 Maybe this was the break they had been waiting for .
5 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
6 No wonder they had been covered up .
7 Shortly after lunch they had been reduced to 57 for eight .
8 Nell guessed from the centrifuges and freezers what type of work they had been designed for .
9 Source C " The impression left on the minds of those who heard the speech , after the first sensations of surprise had passed , was that the whole thing had been arranged long before and that , while in the Cabinet and committee they had been making panic stricken efforts to balance the budget , the whole business had been a humbug and make-believe . "
10 All over Spain , rebel officers put into action the plan they had been elaborating since December of the previous year .
11 While at Croydon SSD , Ambache had to support his director in a battle with a while couple who wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering .
12 One moment they had been crossing a burning glade of shoulder-high grass in the full glare of the sun and the next they descended abruptly into a dark , silent , mysterious world where the air was cool and moist , the earth soft and spongy underfoot , and dazzling orchids blazed suddenly among the deep green undergrowth .
13 His engineers were glad to continue with the central job they had been engaged on before : the attempt to speed up power station completion rates in undertakings they now controlled more directly .
14 And that 's what upset us most about these people going back to work , the fact that a meeting had been taken a few months before in which everybody had voted for us to get the sack , and then all of a sudden they had been threatened and no vote was taken on whether we should stay out or go back , and they just dribbled back to , that really knocked us I think .
15 There was restrained optimism among Wickham 's team that this could be the lead they had been waiting for .
16 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
17 Later that evening they had been sitting in a restaurant and Maggie had looked at Tom and said , her delicate face and long neck almost visibly aquiver with pleasure ,
18 It was to avoid this last couple that Hugh unexpectedly asked her to dance , which they did unsuccessfully , their bodies unused to performing together , and Molly keeping to the shadows in case the children should spot them and never be able to forgive the embarrassment they had been caused .
19 Lead miners in the northern Pennines were earning 10s ( 50p ) a week by 1797 and 11s 6d ( 57½p ) by 1815 , whereas before the war they had been earning 7s 6d ( 37½p ) ; a money-wage increase of around 50 per cent over the war years seems indicated , implying a real-wage fall of about 10 per cent .
20 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
21 They had tried twice before , and on each occasion they had been pursued relentlessly through the forests by hostile Moi tribesmen who had stripped them naked , lashed their hands behind them and led them back to the plantation roped together at the neck with twisted creepers .
22 For her parents Fran and Les , it was the day they had been waiting for .
23 The powerful midfielder , Mauro Silva , was the playmaker they had been looking to build the team around .
24 As she walked out of the workshop , she looked back at the flat they had been painting .
25 Already a decision had been made , sometime in 1964 , to hive ‘ Planet of Giants ’ and ‘ The Dalek Invasion of Earth ’ off from the first season — in whose block they had been recorded — and to graft them as openers to the second season , thus giving the overworked Production Office a bit of a breather .
26 They opened her up , but could see no trace of the ulcer they had been expecting to find .
27 They felt that through joining the movement they had been liberated from the ills of modern society and that they were at last free to make the world a better place and themselves better people .
28 DETECTIVES investigating an alleged attack on two prisoners found unconscious in their cell were yesterday working on the theory they had been fighting each other .
29 At the end of each game they had one chance and one chance only to answer the riddle they had been set .
30 The crew had one last night with their families , and the opportunity to share with them some of the advance they had been given by Yong .
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