Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A shorter and easier route of ascent may be made from Birkdale Summit , the top of the B6270 road linking Kirkby Stephen and Keld , by making the car do most of the climbing ; the ribbon of tarmac spirals up to almost 1700 feet where there is parking space .
2 On the North American mainland the transportation of convicts meant that there was some non-free white labour to do much of the hardest work in growing rice and tobacco .
3 ‘ But I had no mandate to do this from the council .
4 In our concern to manage the lives of others and our intention to do this in the best interests of all , we can too often simply define those who cry out in despair as moaners , as ‘ deviants ’ , ‘ defectives ’ , or as the lazy ones who have n't played the game in the way they should .
5 The brakes can be used fiercely to minimise the roll , but we let aerodynamic drag do most of the work , leaving them to slow us to taxi speed and steer onto the taxiway ( still ineffectually prodding the rudder pedals ) .
6 For myself , therefore , I regard the word ‘ appropriation ’ in isolation as being an objective description of the act done irrespective of the mental state of either the owner or the accused .
7 When the lessons from the pilot survey have been fully learned alterations can be made where necessary , but if the work done prior to the pilot has been adequate the alterations consequent upon it should not be great .
8 On previous occasions a notice has been inserted in the Journal warning Scottish solicitors that under the English Legal Aid Scheme no payment is allowed out of the Legal Aid Fund to any solicitor , English or otherwise , for any work done prior to the granting of a Civil Aid Certificate .
9 Provided that the form is received in the area office within three working days of the receipt of instructions , a legal aid certificate will be granted to cover work done prior to the date of issue .
10 But , on the whole , he prefers to empower the police , by commission rogatoire to do much of the work on his behalf .
11 Apart from a proposal to do away with the Sunday opening polls in Wales from 1996 , the suggested changes come under three headings :
12 Although Martin has said that some bass players like to be able to significantly alter their sound while they are actually playing on stage , I 've never seen the need to have all the gubbins on the bass to do that , then have lots more gubbins on the amp to do more of the same .
13 On a hot day the engine-out rate of climb did little for the blood pressure .
15 It is the logical outcome of a desire to do away with the poor , just as the poor die in less dramatic ways , from sickness , malnutrition and drugs .
16 But while the legislators were vying with each other to amend insolvency laws which all were agreed were far from fair or just , in 1842 they were able to agree on the need to do away with the notorious symbol of that unfairness and injustice , the Fleet Prison .
17 His article did one of the most intriguing individuals in the industry justice without being blind to his flaws .
18 Into which group does each of the people in the drawing fit ?
19 Because of that the reactors had to undergo a licensing procedure from Nuclear , Now that survey , which they have been carrying out for a number of months now , almost certainly would require that a number of major improvements be made to those reactors , and they just have n't got the money to do that at the moment .
20 There 's certainly plenty of opportunity to do that in the current glorious weather … and to simply sit and enjoy some of the traditional treats at Henley .
21 Britain has had an unrivalled opportunity to do this in the post-war new towns , where the circumstances permitted experimentation with all manner of innovative layouts .
22 They ask the Duke to do away with the Act , because it will turn the Atholl Highlanders into slaves , and if he will not , they will fight to the last drop of their blood . ’
23 — if there is limited scope to do this in the pension scheme the spotlight should focus on the adequacy of the company 's keyman life cover .
24 A person doing either of the above infringes the right whether he does it in relation of the whole or a substantial part of the topography .
25 Encourage the interviewee to do most of the talking .
26 If I could just get a role doing some of the falls in the action replays , say , I could save him from horrible injury , or at least the odd booking .
27 And what about the occasions when a junior does most of the work , leaving the boss to come along and give an expensive twiddle of the hot brush ?
28 Strength , it turned out , is n't a prerequisite ( lucky thing , since tenor bells can weigh the same as a Mini ) ; in skilled hands the bell does most of the work , but a full ringing circle demands that the ringer first gets the bell moving and gradually increases the swing until the bell is balanced or ‘ set ’ with the mouth uppermost , ready to be rung on .
29 Let the candidate do most of the talking .
30 It makes far more sense to do two for the first day , then you can judge how many you can get through in a day from those two .
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