Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] she had been " in BNC.

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1 When , she thought , had there ever been a moment when she had been unsure that she disliked him ?
2 ‘ That was my friend , Estelle , ’ Margrida said , coming out from the drawing-room where she had been answering the telephone .
3 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
4 As the years passed , the sights and sounds became less alarming in her memory and she came to think of Italy as the place where she had been happy .
5 Gertrude Joyce , at least , found it hard to accept that she was a foreigner in the town where she had been born and she had lived until she was over twenty-five years old .
6 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
7 He waylaid Stella in the paint-frame where she had been sent to boil rabbit glue on the Bunsen burner .
8 Biting her lip Amabel reproached herself thoroughly and sincerely for not having forced her to wear those whalebone stays all night when she had been growing up .
9 She unfolded Marek 's exercise book and began reading the spidery writing where she had been forced to stop .
10 A picture came to her of the shaggy wanderers huddling together in the bus shelter at the top of the road where she had been born and bred .
11 One lunchtime when she had been at the House of Mattli for a few months Paula went there for her usual coffee and the cottage cheese salad that was her staple diet now that it was so important that she did not add a single half-inch to her wand-slim figure .
12 But in the society where she had been brought up marriage was still very much the expected norm .
13 The space where she had been was obliterated in a flash of hard radiation .
14 The little girl was on her own a few yards from the rug where she had been sitting eating some moments before .
15 And the reason why she had been so slow to recognise him was that on the ship he had looked so much older .
16 The three-room cottage where she had been born had lost its interest for Eve as her dislike of the Westwards had grown .
17 It was neither bright , nor ornamented , nor ill-fitting , but she was such an unfamiliar sight out of boy 's breeches and working boots and fustian shirt that the company burst out laughing , and barracked and whistled and cheered and blew kisses at her on her long walk from the cottage where she had been hiding herself .
18 There had been a time , a brief time , a glorious dawn , when despite her growing awareness of her own sexual failure , despite her anger and frustration , despite her own laziness and lack of commitment , there had been a time when she had been happy and hopeful and joyous .
19 When she had been little , once Fenna had taught her how to fly so that she no longer went wandering off , there had been very little time when she had been left alone .
20 This second misfortune seemed to revive her memories of the earlier time when she had been carrying his child and had been given to understand that her husband had been simultaneously carrying on an affair with some young army chauffeuse .
21 It was like the time when she had been hunted .
22 ‘ Listen , my dear , ’ she said to Alexandra , summoned flushed and impatient from the orchard where she had been settling her new charges in and attempting , as tactfully as possible , to exclude Murphy from the process , ‘ Mrs Langley says George is heartened beyond anything by your visit .
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