Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's simply that while we 've been playing well in possession , we have n't been doing the job when the opposition have had the ball .
2 CERTAIN PARTIES in pop seem to have the idea that the '70s were all glory .
3 Order , will the right hon. Gentleman seek to have the report of the Select Committee on Energy on the privatisation of the electricity industry in Northern Ireland available to us before the debate takes place ?
4 Now , with all their claptrap about citizens charters , the Government have had the BBC send to every Member of Parliament letters carrying the Tory party propaganda that they can not allow pensioners to have a free television licence .
5 Typically , the Government have had the courage to concede by implication that they have lost confidence in what they legislated for so confidently just a short time ago .
6 Few on death row have had the sort of education enjoyed by jail-writers like Thoreau , Wilde , Gandhi and King , but from their cells the eloquence and reflection is unmistakable .
7 Some of the more rigorous statistical studies of style have had the purpose of discovering the author of works of doubtful attribution .
8 Several of the chapters in this book have had the aim of showing you how to deal with difficult situations and how to get what you want .
9 The development company hope to have the site cleared by September .
10 for after , after mum and dad go have the hand slapping and the yeah they 've gone !
11 The term is used to distinguish citizens from ‘ aliens ’ who suffer certain disabilities such as having no right to remain in the country , being liable to be deported in certain circumstances , often not being entitled to vote ( though Commonwealth citizens and citizens of the Republic of Ireland resident in this country do have the vote ) or to receive state benefits .
12 On the contrary , the changes made in the final Order have had the effect of strengthening and extending the requirement that pupils should read works written in English from other countries and cultures ’ ( 15 June 1990 ) .
13 Demographic changes of a rather different kind have had the effect of substantially reducing the categories of people who once lived with kin .
14 This year just under 100 students will receive their first degrees at Stirling and Chief Careers Advisor Walter Abbott , who retires this summer , can look back and take pride in the fact that he and his small team in the careers office have had the opportunity to help prepare 16,000 students for ‘ life after Uni ’ during the 24 years that Walter has been here and seen the University grow .
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