Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [pers pn] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The power of the father is not quite like that of the ‘ patriarch ’ in Filmer 's Patriarcha ( 1680 ) , yet his activities outside the home invest him with an importance which the wife does not have .
2 Being both an exotic and a carnivore , it has started out with a double disadvantage , and sections of the rural population hate it with an intensity normally reserved for foxes or , worse , polecats .
3 Even the classical certainties of laboratory apparatus present us with a mystery when we recognise that we do not fully comprehend how they arise from the quantum substrate of which they are composed .
4 Exposed rafters , wall-to-wall pine panelling and the extensive use of beech and oak endow it with a warmth that is too often absent from modern architecture .
5 Many will welcome that sensible proposal , but can the right hon. Gentleman underline it with a categorical assurance that the Government have no intention of privatising water in Scotland either this side of an election or afterwards ?
6 The church of St Clement Danes , the RAF Memorial on the Victoria Embankment , the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial and the thousands of graves carefully tended by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission provide us with a structure of remembrance .
7 ( including taxes and the cost of accessories ) at the date the damage occurred and such loss or damage is insured under this Policy the Corporation will subject to the consent of the Policyholder and of any other interested party known to the Corporation replace it with a new motor car of the same manufacture and model subject to its being available in which event the Corporation shall become entitled to possession and ownership of the lost or damaged motor car .
8 Recent developments of Darwinian theory provide us with a new and deeper understanding of the processes of natural selection .
9 What will happen is , at regular intervals they 'll take you off the ventilator inject you with the er antidote to the depolarizer and see if your muscles lock up .
10 Paul 's words and Paul 's example present us with a picture of a God who is the source of peace , and of a man who had learnt that God 's peace was on tap at all times .
11 Its status as written narrative fiction and its function as a means of communication provide it with the wherewithal to participate actively in present-day debates about the future of social institutions .
12 In summary , I hope that the contents of this letter provide you with an overview of the services that KPMG is able to offer in connection with your ambitious plans and demonstrate how we would propose to undertake the assignment , capitalising on our relationship with [ Solicitors ] .
13 Many bodies have stated that the grant aid procedures and the application form provide them with a ready basis for an effective budgeting system .
14 He added his own comments that Ashby 's tributes to voluntaryism present us with a very serious challenge — to the professional to be patient in service , to aid and abet but not to take over from the voluntary worker any of the tasks or decisions which he should do and make : to the voluntary worker to recognise that the only sure safeguard against injury to the mainstream of voluntaryism is that that mainstream , which is himself , shall never slacken .
15 The lesson here is simple : do n't flirt with trouble Aim away from the hazard and let your natural shape of shot leave you with a shot from the fairway .
16 Very few of the works on display provide us with the child 's perspective on the word , a notable exception being Sonia Boyce 's arresting ‘ Big Woman 's Talk ’ ( 1984 ) where the sense of scale is ordered in a way that the child 's view is paramount .
17 Goals and values plus energy provide us with the vital information on motivation to perform and it is these variables which provide the best data on how an individual is likely to perform .
18 A further small point : we may have been taught at school to avoid ending written sentences with a preposition , but the above sentence , apart from replacing ‘ commence ’ by ‘ begin ’ , sounds more natural if we do in fact end it with the preposition .
19 Right , now this time do it with the calculator .
20 ‘ What on earth do you with a baby all day ? ’ asked a friend when he became a dad for the first time .
21 When you become more proficient , you may want to retrim ; at this stage correct it with the stick , or just let it crab , since this will help to reduce problems during the more difficult slowing down phase .
22 Well I agree with the honourable gentleman to this extent and that as he knows er we would scrap the self regulatory system and make the S I B responsible for er regulating er er the industry and in time merge it with a banking er regulatory body , er so that would answer that point er and I think that the S I B er could also be responsible for the enforcement of these matters .
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