Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Next season , the Supporters ' Club hope to start up a bicycle hire scheme for away matches .
2 ‘ Nuclear Electric have carried out a similar study , which also showed Deferred Safestore as the best option .
3 It is n't only the novelty Three Wise Men or Snowflake designs which are selling : ‘ Many women are looking for a luxury buy to finish off a party outfit and the opaque hold-ups by Italian designer Paulo Cavali are best sellers , ’ says Heather .
4 Spokesmen for the insurance companies seeking to justify this practice have wheeled out a few explanations which include ‘ the client understood that by settling for a poor return on death his ultimate retirement fund would be higher . ’
5 Eventually the scientists at the National Radiological Protection Board hope to set up a network of solar radiation monitors across Britain and Europe .
6 The committee have set up a working party to look into the proposal .
7 But already the Countryside Commission and the Nature Conservancy Council have drawn up a short list of natural sites suitable for World Heritage status .
8 Will he explain why he and the Chancellor have ruled out a manufacturing investment incentive as demanded by the CBI and other organisations ?
9 The group hope to release both a live and studio album shortly .
10 Over time , more complex social routines may be established as adult and infant begin to build up a set of expectancies or joint understandings regarding the meanings of particular behaviours .
11 Some short-term studies of the diabetic diet have shown either a reduction of HDL cholesterol ( Rivellese et al , 1980 ; Simpson et al , 1981 ) , no effect ( Dodson et al , 1984 ) or significant elevations ( Dodson et al , 1981 b ) .
12 Graduates in German have taken up a wide range of jobs in recent years , in advertising , journalism , local government , tourism , banking , insurance , hospital administration , librarianship , the Civil Service , broadcasting , and in industry and commerce , in Britain and abroad , as well as in teaching .
13 The contracts which western utilities signed in the 1970s and 1980s to reprocess their nuclear waste have taken on a life of their own .
14 THOSE romantic softies at CIC Video have brought out a Ghost gift set .
15 I do n't blame the woman for doing as much as possible on television with in those advertisements because I think that woman have got only a short life in those ads because she 'd get bored with them .
16 Organisers of the German tournament have kept aside a wild card for the American , who is suffering from tendonitis of the right wrist , should he decide at the 11th hour that he is fit to play .
17 I understand that the Government propose to introduce shortly a money resolution in association with the Bill .
18 Does not that show that , despite all the promises and pledges , in the past five years the Government have carried out a sorry and tragic charade and have connived at every stage with Black Bob Scholey to sell off the Scottish steel industry ?
19 Well I 'm glad to say the boar have cleaned up a bit since wallowing in the glorious mud of Abberley .
20 Environmental groups and small timber traders from around the world have set up a Forest Stewardship Council , charged with deciding what constitutes " sustainable " tropical forestry .
21 The makers of The Real World have dreamed up a box of stunts to demonstrate the potential of what they call ‘ viewer reactive television ’ .
22 Some of the very best and sharpest critics of postmodernism have put forward a strikingly similar , yet quite powerful , argument against the claim that we live in some important sense in a postmodern era .
23 Research also shows that many youngsters in residential care have experienced difficulties with schooling ; for example , over half of all boys in residential care have stayed down a class at least once .
24 Most people discharged from hospital psychiatric care have had only a short period as in patients and do not need long-term help after leaving .
25 Group-based training need form only a small part of the complete basic training course .
26 But City have picked up a bit with a draw at Chelsea and a comfortable win against Crystal Palace , and with the suspended Morley replaced by Oldfield , who knows where the goal is , they will be confident today .
27 It may be more helpful to admit that what we are dealing with here are very complex pragmatic ways in which a sentence and a context of utterance interact to pick out a proposition , by reference to the audio-visual monitoring of the speech event as it unfolds .
28 Mom grabs a megaphone as Sly 's squad try to talk down a youth threatening to jump from a tall building , and regales everyone with her Joey 's boyhood stories , his bed-wetting and toilet-training .
29 The inference is that present histological systems such as those of Dukes , Jass , and the TNM classification fail to predict consistently a prognosis with confidence .
30 All fresh cases are reported to CATCHEM and forces all over the country have to fill in a form with 230 questions devised by Dovaston .
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