Example sentences of "[noun sg] [det] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It is a consequence of this view that if two things are related to each other in any way , then neither of them , strictly , can be said to be ontologically independent of the other , for in such a case neither of them can be fully described without presupposing the existence of both .
2 It 's a fight neither of you can win . ’
3 In which case some of us may well die of surprise .
4 The only reliable way to see them was to pass in front of the building and turn left into the road to the cemetery : from that side some of them could be seen craning out of the windows and waving .
5 Preparatory men in because if you took a body of men into a bakery half of them would be standing looking about doing nothing until something was prepared .
6 The chief argument for putting the Callovian in the Upper Jurassic was that this stage was markedly transgressive Over a large part of the Soviet Union and that , therefore , this was a natural break such as one might expect at a major stratigraphical boundary .
7 The August event will take a similar format to the spring event with the addition of an LMS Dray with horse , Hansom Carriage with horse and a Scammel Scarrib Mechanical Horse all of which will be at the Ingrow Railway Centre .
8 The expression on her face read my last remark as no more than a condescending gesture of patient sympathy such as she must have met many times before .
9 Why the horror , why the compulsive fascination , by what despairing route had this new and unexpected compulsion carried him through semi-tropical plants in a glass lift to an afternoon such as he would sworn never to attend — he did not know .
10 There are two distinct objections to the hereditary principle — one is that hereditary peers are not elected ; the other is that blue blood is no guarantee of any particular merit , competence or expertise such as one would wish for in a Parliamentarian .
11 While the films were being made , they represented the most important work any of them could ever .
12 Regardless of our commitment to joint decision-making most of us will find that there are many decisions where we feel we lack either sufficient interest or qualification and are perfectly happy to leave those decisions to our partner , eg many men would feel primarily responsible for choosing a car but would prefer their wives to pick out the furniture , decorations and plan the kitchen .
13 Paragliding is a sport most of us would consider dangerous , not so according to as long as you do n't fly outwith your limitations .
14 In retirement some of you may be thinking of erm having some improvement work done to your house .
15 You are thus investing money for retirement much of which would only otherwise have been paid to the taxman
16 And , talking to these teachers , I ca n't for the life of me see what motive any of them can have .
17 Next day some of us could be heard on Radio Scotland 's Sundayscope answering the Rev. Johnston McKay 's searching questions about Christian Aid as at St. Andrew 's and St. George 's .
18 When you look at the moon half of it will be in light half of it will be in dark you will see a moon which looks like half a moon .
19 Goodness and integrity such as his will not pass without widespread grief .
20 A charity such as ours must constantly strive for greater efficiency , to put every penny of your subscription to good use .
21 Well , that is one argument neither of us can win .
22 In the light of such a definition some of us would admit that we still have some growing up to do ourselves .
23 But we do not generally fall into the trap of believing that a statistical correlation between two variables demonstrates that one is the cause of the other ; it is assumed that the actuation of language change is multi-causal , and we have frequently demonstrated that the speaker-variables interact with one another ( that is , that no speaker-variable all by itself can ‘ explain' a given configuration of language ) .
24 All the trouble and strife is behind you today is a golden glow beh today , a golden glow begins to settle over all of your relationships and during the next month many of you may be thinking of making serious commitments .
25 Like many a mother faced with the apparent intransigence of her child , she ignored the rebuff and gave the servants the best advice any of us could receive : ‘ Do whatever he tells you ’ ( John 2.5 ) .
26 But this reverses the order of argument most of us would endorse : we share an understanding that our officials must treat all members of the community they govern as equals because we believe they should behave that way , not the other way around . "
27 One prominent tendency in recent Marxist thought , therefore , has been to replace the relatively simple and precise evolutionary scheme of Marx 's 1859 Preface by a more complex and indefinite picture of the history of society in which , beyond the primitive communal stage , two broad types of society are distinguished — pre-capitalist and capitalist each of which may develop very diverse forms of economy , politics and culture .
28 Most are commonplace but no matter how sophisticated an operation some of them will be used .
29 A love such as his could never be ‘ untimely ’ and ‘ indelicate ’ .
30 It is a subject most of us would prefer not to think about .
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