Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
2 Opportunities for wives and children to contribute to the household income varied from place to place , though they were everywhere low paid .
3 Of course , the response varied from council to council .
4 It is worth noting , however , that just as the teaching force moved from co-operation to conflict , so did many of the local authorities .
5 The set is heard to best effect played from start to finish , so leave yourself a spare five hours , play it real loud ( on headphones so as not to disturb the neighbours , of course ) and it 'll form crop circles in your hair .
6 The set is heard to best effect played from start to finish , so leave yourself a spare five hours , play it real loud ( on headphones so as not to disturb the neighbours , of course ) and it 'll form crop circles in your hair .
7 The industry benefited from access to Japan Development Bank loans , and various tax concessions .
8 The script cut from psychiatry to politics to history to Euro-moralising with dizzy speed ; film-clip collages of Hitler saluting , Hess ( or not-Hess ) in the mortuary , hamburger ads , crumbling buildings , a screaming man in seventeenth-century dress , and the widow miming Hess 's improbable suicide all chimed in an unholy jangle with the events on stage .
9 Fighting spread from bar to night-club along the narrow cobbled streets of the seedy riverside area as other sailors , including British seamen from the carrier , joined in and police were called in to keep the peace , he added .
10 The Germans had launched a counter-offensive against the Allied bridgehead at Anzio and air support , against enemy troop concentration and lines of communication , became vital in preventing loss of the bridgehead. 223 Squadron moved from Foggia to Biferno/Campomarino to join 3 ( South African Air Force ) Wing on March 13 and after one day to settle in to the new surroundings was tasked against the San Benedetto marshalling yards .
11 In the men 's singles contest , managed to get through to the semi final while in the triples contest , and from Draught Stout joined from Brewing to win through as far as the semi finals .
12 In 1972 a research paper by American scientists showed that the stable isotope ratios for oxygen and carbon in white marble varied from quarry to quarry , and more extensive research since then has confirmed that such measurements provide a ‘ signature ’ for the marble quarries of Italy , Greece and Turkey , which were the main sources of Classical marble .
13 The lord 's power to remove the inhabitants of a village varied from place to place .
14 Wages and conditions of work varied from firm to firm .
15 Normally the kingship descended from father to son , but if this was not possible a suitable claimant played the role of Horus in the funeral ceremonies .
16 ‘ Your new organs and glands have only one ultimate source — namely the gene-seed of the godly Rogal Dorn enshrined from generation to generation within the temples of our bodies .
17 How far does the sphere of influence spread from north to south and from west to east ?
18 Her mood changed from guilt to defiance .
19 The command vehicle rocked from side to side .
20 Subject to the payment of a fee prescribed from time to time by statutory instrument , any person is entitled to inspect and to obtain copies of ‘ any records kept by the registrar for the purposes of the Companies Acts ’ ; no distinction is drawn between the rights of members and inspection by other persons .
21 There were three problems with this : the weight of the book , increasing nakedness as the examination wound from stage to stage , and failure of concentration , owing to painful legs and a general pregnant incapacity to finish sentences , her own , Wordsworth 's , or Mrs Frances Owen 's .
22 The proportion of Christians and Jews in the urban population varied from city to city .
23 In her sleep , she saw a body slashed from breast to navel .
24 He was a striking figure with a long , dour face , the head completely shaven , his thin body clothed from head to toe in a black gown and cloak .
25 He was absolutely colossal — about 5 foot 10 inches tall and 6 foot wide , and carrying a riding crop covered from end to end with thick black tape .
26 A young lad hopped from car to car taking their money , lights sparked and flashed above them and as the cars began to move Belinda 's laugh could be heard above the music while Rachel thought Danny would explode with pride as he took the wheel and manoeuvred the little car round the track .
27 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
28 The money raised from subscription to the new service , will be used to recoup the £140,000 that was spent developing it .
29 The copper content varied from place to place but rich solid chalcopyrite was found in places , particularly where veins came together or at junctions with cross-faults to form " bunches " .
30 In a sentence such as ( 1b ) not only does did situate its lexical supplement ( eat ) in time like any other auxiliary , but it also evokes all the time necessary to actualize the infinitive 's lexeme and so produces a representation of an event seen from beginning to end as something that really takes its place in time .
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