Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I was just a bit stoned at the time and it all poured out … .
2 They assert that the payments to Anser were transactions at an undervalue made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts and within the relevant period of time stipulated in section 240 .
3 ‘ Werner Keitel was an Abwehr agent employed at the time to select deep cover agents .
4 Compared with a supplemental dose of OPV , one dose of IPV administered at the time of measles vaccination at 6 or 9 months of age induced significantly higher seroconversion to one or more serotypes at the time of vaccination .
5 Later came the Farmans , aptly named ‘ cages à poules ’ , and the Caudrons , of which a French flyer remarked at the time that between these and the current German types ‘ there was all the difference between a lorry and a Rolls Royce ’ .
6 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
7 Michael made a good recovery , and was well enough to enjoy the international conference given at the time of his retirement .
8 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
9 When contemplating the history of the palazzo you have to wonder whether there might not have been some truth in an ancient prophecy made at the time when Alessi began work on the building .
10 In slang used at the time , to open your budget meant to speak your mind .
11 To illustrate this , here 's a II/V sequence down a cycle of 4ths , dealing with one string set at a time .
12 It was thought that a similar equation would govern the proton , which was the only other particle known at the time , and that would be the end of theoretical physics .
13 In so far as they have a derivation , it is from the post of Senior Teacher established at the time of the Houghton Review - but seniority , per se , is not a management function .
14 The date of the coronation — an event regarded at the time as a rushed and shabby affair — has inspired comment , for it was the 13th , the thirtieth anniversary of the battle of Flodden .
15 The writ was issued two years ago following remarks made by the then BBC Cricket Correspondent during a BBC World Service broadcast at the time of the Fourth Test between England and the West Indies .
16 Traditional options are contracts written by stock exchange market makers entitling their clients to buy or sell quoted shares in some stock in the future at a price fixed at the time the option contract is purchased .
17 A news sequence made at the time of the invasion of Suez in 1956 may present gripping pictures , but is likely to say what the audience of the day wants to hear .
18 The church was held back from full-scale episcopal organization by the thought of the expense and the political commitment involved at a time when ‘ a prince of the church ’ was a perfectly reasonable way to describe a bishop .
19 As a Scottish paper remarked at the time , it was not his first dismissal , ‘ Bremner has had more early baths than a miner on night-shift . ’
20 Two days later a new political movement was formed joining the defunct PSU and the Nouvelle Gauche ( a dissident communist movement established at the time of the 1988 presidential elections and led by Pierre Juquin — see p. 35979 for his candidature ) .
21 If that is what it turned out to be , it is certainly not what those most concerned to secure or prevent the passage of the Bill thought at the time .
22 Hannah 's film was transmitted at 10.30 p.m. on Tuesday , 30 January 1973 , to an audience approaching five million — a very respectable rating for a documentary shown at a time when most people are either retiring for the night or thinking about it .
23 Today , with the winning of the vote and civil rights for women , changes which the Catholic church opposed at the time , the secular aspect of this argument of women 's inferiority is muted in Catholic pronouncements .
24 ( 14 ) Section 104 of CA 1985 requires certain conditions to be met ( including an independent valuation and approval by an ordinary resolution of the company ) before a public company ( formed as such ) can ( within two years of its being issued with a certificate entitling it to do business under CA 1985 , s117 ) enter into an agreement to acquire a non-cash asset ( eg shares in the target ) from a subscriber to its memorandum of association which is equal in value to one-tenth or more of the company 's nominal share capital issued at the time or before a company is re-registered as a public company can ( within two years of the date of re-registration ) enter into such an agreement with a person who was a member on the date of re-registration .
25 Leaving the town on the south side is the Devil 's Staircase , a military road constructed at the time of the Jacobite rebellion , and not at all as fearsome as the name implies .
26 However any small boat owner will appreciate not only the need for recording navigational information but also the pleasure to be gained after the event in recalling the events of a passage or cruise through the pages of a log kept at the time .
27 Unfortunately , the lifts are specified and their operation determined at the time of construction .
28 A young Cornish shoemaker married at the time he was setting up on his own : " his wife 's immediate fortune was ten pounds — a sum to him at that time , of great importance " .
29 This is explained in detail in the paper , and the analysis in the paper ( and , indeed , the analysis presented at the time of the summer meeting for which the abstract was drafted ) is more sophisticated and based on a complete dataset .
30 The Policyholder must be interested in the subject matter insured at the time of the loss .
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