Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During the two shorts months that it took to draft the White Paper , opposition could be quelled , using the new powers and wholehearted support given him by the Prime Minister .
2 The Minotaur was finally slain by Theseus , who found his way out of the labyrinth by trailing a skein of thread given him by the king 's daughter , ARIADNE .
3 WITH the forthcoming visit by the South Africans looming large , the RFU have taken the opportunity given them by the All Black and Wallaby tours to South Africa to get in some early homework on the Boks .
4 On 26 March , back in Chicago , Coleman applied for a US passport in the name of Thomas J. Leavy , using the birth certificate given him by the CIA in 1982 and the documents issued in Washington .
5 Part of the confusion came from the unworthy pleasure given him by the prospect of holding onto his ward a little longer .
6 The letter asked whether there could remain within CPSU ranks people who encouraged splits , engaged in factionalism and who " by their views and conduct have in effect placed themselves outside the party " .
7 I called for the last time at the first house in the village and pressed the buzzer , but on getting no reply resigned myself to the long walk down the mountain .
8 The President called him into the room .
9 The barman fixed me with the kind of stare you could roast weenies on .
10 His unflappability deserted him in the face of by-election reverses .
11 And while they played in the barn and while their mother sang the girl found something behind the haystack .
12 They 've had er enormous difficulties and er the honourable gentleman will er know that the South Wales police authority committee , its officers and its Chief Constable have er visited parliament er to put their case to members representing the South Wales police authority area and indeed to er Earl Ferrers the minister er responsible for the police and they certainly have n't had any er criticism made of them by his own government and if er he believes that there is a criticism I would suggest that he takes a leaf out of the book of his er , his right honourable friend the Secretary of State and refers the matter so that it can be properly audited and er I think the honourable gentleman knows that when that is done he will see that there is no blame attached whatsoever to the members or the officers of the police authority .
13 Historically there seems to be no doubt that the English Common Law required nothing for the celebration of a marriage beyond the declared agreement of the parties , which might take the form either of a declaration of present intention , or of a promise to marry followed by actual union .
14 My mum washed mine at the weekend and they 're in a pile on my floor and I have n't been arsed so I 'm just sleeping on the mattress with the bare duvet .
15 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
16 However , for the third time this season , Wantage could not hold on to a lead given them in the last five minutes , and allowed Andy Martin to shoot home for the equaliser for Bicester .
17 She recovered the parish file given her by the diocesan office and spread the meagre contents out on Bishop Julian 's desk .
18 On the evening of Jan. 12 it was announced that the existing six-member High Security Council had that day , by virtue of a mandate to preserve continuity given it by the Constitutional Council , resolved " that it is impossible to continue the election process until the necessary conditions are fulfilled for the normal functioning of institutions " .
19 One question which arises is why , with 256 code values available in each byte , has this control process limited itself to the 128 7-bit codes ?
20 Almost all the murders that the police solve in real life are either dealt with in a matter of hours ( the husband done it with the kitchen knife ) or as a result of long , long , tedious inquiries , mostly house-to-house , the taking of fingerprints and the elimination of perhaps thousands of marginal suspects .
21 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
22 The neon striped it in the air .
23 Had my Pop passed me in the street , he would n't have recognised me .
24 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
25 It certainly did n't merit the name given it by the Danes , who invented it .
26 The element of time-saving is seen as significant by many employers , and one respondent identified it as the main motive for taking a recruiting problem to a search consultant in the first place .
27 Against the advice given me at the Centre , quite deliberately I decided to have neither a counsellor nor a healer .
28 But it echoes an example given us by the Consumer Credit Association ( an amalgamation of the Retail Credit Federation and National Personal Finance Association , representing some 900 companies involved in personal loans and retail credit ) .
29 The profession has managed to offer CPD on a shoestring up until the mid-1980s but henceforth some funding will have to be found if it is to fulfil the role given it by the membership .
30 This chapter is intended to illustrate the operation of community policing in Easton , and in the process to assess the commitment given it by the ordinary policemen and women who carry it out , looking separately at the units responsible for community relations and neighbourhood policing .
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