Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
2 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
3 THE Court of Appeal yesterday quashed a suspended sentence received by a man convicted of indecent assault and incest with his 15-year-old daughter , despite submissions by the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , QC , that the sentence was too lenient .
4 ‘ Gee , ’ Charity Marlowe responded drily from where she sat in a decrepit upholstered chair , her head thrown back , her hair hidden under a towel , and her eyes clenched tightly shut .
5 In the case of land , statutory provisions may give priority to a later contract registered as a land charge even if entered into with knowledge of an earlier , unregistered transaction , but it seems that this affects only proprietary rights and does not bar an action in tort based on interference with the earlier contract .
6 It was quite usual to see her standing there baking , one knee on a cushion placed on a stool , to ease the pain .
7 The next day police raided the caravan fsite near Oxford and recovered a shot gun cartridge from the remains of a fire , as well as £410 in cash , fround hidden in a cupboard under a pile of towells .
8 ENGLAND flew to Poland yesterday with reliance placed in a defence that , like Bobby Robson , has shown a talent for confounding the critics .
9 On this view pragmatics ( at least in part ) is about how , given a sentence uttered in a context , that context plays a role in specifying what proposition the sentence expresses on this occasion of utterance .
10 In an article on science fiction , Jean Baudrillard maintains that the traditional mode of the genre depended on a simulation of expansion that is no longer feasible in the contemporary world .
11 Any hope I might have entertained that Lewis and Verity 's little Hogmanay hug had been an aberration , something they would fail to follow through , or feel for some reason embarrassed about , was comprehensively quashed the next evening when they turned up together at Uncle Hamish and Aunt Tone 's , bearing all the signs of new lovers ( literally so in the case of Lewis 's neck , which displayed a line of passion purpurae worthy of an industrial vacuum cleaner , and which were ill-concealed by Lewis 's longish dark curls and a white shirt fastened with a bootlace tie ) .
12 ‘ ( 2 ) Determinations of complaints under recognised schemes shall be made by reference to what is , in the adjudicator 's opinion , fair in all the circumstances of the case and any direction given to a building society or associated body by an adjudicator may ( if the complainant accepts the determination ) require it or the complainant not to exercise or require the performance of any of the contractual or other obligations or rights subsisting between them .
13 Liability limited with a call
14 Additionally , the horses were usually fed their dinner of oats in a bucket placed inside a motorcar tire ( so that they were less likely to spill it ) .
15 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
16 A survey was undertaken of all referrals for compulsory admission received by a city mental health centre over a one year period .
17 Doctors at the paediatrics department of the University of Vienna heated samples of infant milk formula for 10 minutes in a microwave used for warming baby food and compared it with milk heated in a water bath to 80C .
18 The 29-year-old midfielder elected to have the case heard by a Crown Court when he appeared before magistrates at Dunstable , Beds , yesterday .
19 Reserve team versus Coventry last Wednesday postponed — Tinkler and Weatherall comebacks after injury/illness delayed as a result .
20 WHITNEY Houston was the weapon in a war of noise waged by a Teesside woman against her neighbour , a court has heard .
21 In females it generally consists of a group of stout bristles which lies beneath the extended fore Wing and engages there in a retinaculum formed from a patch of hairs near the cubitus .
22 She was in a Chinese silk robe and had her hair gathered under a mob-cap .
23 Mention is also made of a small attached building heated by a hypocaust at the south-west corner , suggested as a possible priest 's house , and this may account for the so-called ‘ hypocaust ’ tiles found on the site , presumably box-flues .
24 Nevertheless , as the outcome if the Eastbourne parliamentary by-election demonstrated , a strong local electoral base developed over a number of years can provide the Liberal Democrats with the opportunity for a sensational , if perhaps transient , victory .
25 Although in the Iliad the word dikē denotes a judgement given by a judge or an assertion by a party to a dispute of his rights , in the Odyssey it signifies ‘ right ’ or ‘ custom ’ .
26 There 's a power cut ; the lights go out and we light candles and gas lamps and end up — a hard core of seven of us ; Andy , me , Howie , another two local lads and a couple of the traveller boys — down in the snooker room where there 's a beat-up looking table and a leak in the ceiling that turns the whole of the stained , green-baize surface into a millimetre-shallow marsh , water dripping from each pocket and dribbling down the bulky legs to the sopping carpet , and we play snooker by the light of the hissing gas lamps , having to hit the white ball really hard even for delicate shots because of the extra rolling resistance the water causes , and the balls make a zizzing , ripping noise as they race across the table and sometimes you can see spray curving up behind them and I 'm feeling really drunk and a bit stoned from a couple of strong Js smoked out in the garden earlier with the travellers but I think this dimly lit water-hazard snooker is just hilarious and I 'm laughing maniacally at it all and I put an arm round Andy 's neck at one point and say , You know I love you , old buddy , and is n't friendship and love what 's it 's really all about ? and why ca n't people just see that and just be nice to each other ? except there are just so many complete bastards in the world , but Andy just shakes his head and I try to kiss him and he gently fends me off and steadies me against one wall and props me up with a snooker cue against my chest and I think this is really funny for some reason and laugh so much I fall over and have distinct problems getting up again and get carried to my room by Andy and one of the travellers and dumped on the bed and fall instantly asleep .
27 The solid bark parted like a mist , closed like a clam .
28 Roughly speaking , the quality is determined by location in the vineyard , which can be divided into bands : the most northerly band , elevated at a height of between 180 and 220 metres , comprises some of the finest grand cru slopes in all Champagne and represents about a third of Bouzy 's hectarage ; below this is a wide strip situated at a height of between 160 and 180 metres which , in my estimation , should hold the rank of a top premier cru ; the lowest band , at about 170 metres , runs around the flat northern edge of the village and produces vines of a markedly inferior quality .
29 The starched front of his shirt parted with a clatter , he dropped the handful of studs into an ashtray and kicked off his black patent-leather shoes .
30 There is no known proof of true hereditary surnames in the period before the Conquest , and although a number of Domesday tenants of English origins have names additional to their first — such as Alnod of Kent , a byname given to a man with land in Oxfordshire — there is little or no evidence to show that these were other than personal to the individuals .
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