Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 Three times he recalled his favourite , Piers Gaveston , from an exile imposed on him first by Edward I and then by the barons ; the Ordinances , to which the king was sworn in 1311 and again in 1317 , he treated with contempt ; the expulsion of the Despensers , father and son , was reversed almost before it was enforced .
2 With sufficient work completed for her first show , Vanessa had exhausted her theme and recovered her interest in the living .
3 He says he will have time enough to relax and carouse when he 's had a smash hit with his first novel .
4 It remains unclear to what extent the government and its advisers in the Department of Energy were aware at this stage , as the Hinkley C Inquiry progressed through its first few months , of the true state of nuclear economics .
5 ‘ That way there will be no complications of the sort created before our first sectional tie against Switzerland in Berne , when the absence of an England fixture meant a league game between Leeds and Manchester United being played for television 's benefit three days before the international . ’
6 ( The expression ‘ full moon ’ means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance . )
7 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
8 The band 's weakest ever single reached number 46 in the Gallup charts , an achievement supported by their first proper video in which they frolicked among hundreds of balloons .
9 even though they might be part and parcel of the same organization , they are not the leaseholders so they ca n't make the arrangements , so if they want to make the arrangement they must have the lease assigned to them first , then we will come to terms with them over land and to under le under let .
10 It 's hard to keep your eyes away from documents people beside you are reading on the train , especially when they are X/Open Co Ltd internal memoranda : the one seen by a Unigram.X spy at Lewisham , South London last week promised in its first paragraph ‘ a 0% payrise ’ for unfortunate X/Open employees .
11 Whilst the government claimed in its first consultation paper on the National Curriculum that it wished to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum for ‘ all pupils ’ , pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities were not specifically mentioned ( DES 1987 ) .
12 In 1973 , the US Army engaged in its first domestic operation since the Civil War when its forces , including armored cars , assisted heavily armed FBI agents in laying siege to the village of Wounded Knee .
13 In 1973 , the US Army engaged in its first domestic operation since the Civil War when its forces , including armored cars , assisted heavily armed FBI agents in laying siege to the village of Wounded Knee .
14 But some things are still the same ; the old yard near the farmhouse is still thereand the old barn covered with its First World War tin roof .
15 A large roadside car park has been made and from it a track has been worn to the saddle on the ridge ; the steep climb has been helped by this path formed since my first visit .
16 There is , moreover , a move towards the paying party 's seeing your file and this makes it increasingly important for you to think carefully about the costs and uplift information contained in your first letter or standard terms of business appended to your first letter , and also the standard of time recording on which your bills are based .
17 The villages were not where expected and a good morning 's walk passed before our first contact with people — an open-mouthed lad driving two cows up the path .
18 Thus the BDDA in the only resolution passed at its first Congress strongly affirmed its faith in the combined system as the best method of deaf education .
19 Breakfast included on your first morning .
20 A pretty view of St Mark 's Cathedral by Sickert ( lot 16 , est. £30,000–40,000 ) , one of several versions dating from 1901 , was bought by Browse and Darby at the low estimate ( $45,900 ) , and Marlborough bought Stephen Conroy 's ‘ Kerngrove ’ ( lot 122 , est. £18,000–25,000 ) , a large figure painting shown in his first exhibition in 1989 , on behalf of a client .
21 To add extra sparkle to your stay , why not also add their romantic package of champagne & flowers in your room upon arrival and festive breakfast served on your first morning in the room at an additional cost of £46 per couple .
22 But the most annoying aspect of the early period was the lack of real interest shown by our first council members — at times we could n't muster up the required six members for a quorum at the monthly meetings .
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