Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
2 Nineteen Cubans and Spaniards were allowed to disembark , plus three passengers with authentic visas ; the remaining 900 or so Jews waited for news of the negotiations which involved , variously , the Cuban President , his director of immigration , the shipping line , the local relief committee , the ship 's captain and a lawyer flown in from the New York headquarters of the Joint Distribution Committee .
3 Then this pantomime carried on from the coast .
4 Elsewhere there are Breughels ; walls covered with Delft tiles ; a medieval belfry with 366 steps from which you can gaze down on the town 's steep , red tiled roofs ; holy blood brought back from the crusades .
5 For as to the last oracle , the Gospels had been left open , and there was a wind blew through from the south doorway and ruffled the pages over , turning back from John to Matthew .
6 Attacked , promises General Powell , it will be — once its supply lines along the Euphrates valley have been severed and its men and equipment softened up from the air .
7 ‘ It 's not right for politicians to offer a sanitised campaign cut off from the people they 're asking to elect them , ’ he said .
8 Teams of officials from Britain , Hong Kong and China had spent five days haggling over the many points of disagreement left over from the visit of Douglas Hurd , the British foreign secretary , to China last month .
9 Mr Pigdon started , his attention drawn back from the threatening sky .
10 The big oak table was laid in the hall , and quantities of Portugal wine brought up from the souterrain .
11 This is more cash paid in from the last three weeks actually .
12 Anglian Water Authority claims that the water drawn off from the lake is still safe despite these problems because of the treatment it gives the water before it reaches people 's taps .
13 This is the weird machine with the keyboard set back from the front to give you a place to rest your hands .
14 A jug of icy water brought up from the yard was splashed on to her , from as great a height as we could manage .
15 There were rumours that a pied-billed grebe had settled on ‘ Little Sea ’ , a freshwater lagoon cut off from the coast by the gradual build-up of sand dunes .
16 I do n't know how to — I do not even want to — dispel this cold mist left over from the fog .
17 To the left of them , a conch shell brought back from the Indian Ocean curled mysteriously in on itself , like the pink and white entrance to another world .
18 One or two of the excellent ones was spent , was spoiled by a little bit of er need to erm edit very carefully introdu introduction of concepts you must be careful not to , if you 've got a couple of hundred words only , but do n't introduce er concepts diversity of design must of been er a phrase picked up from the video itself because it appeared in two or three of them , but it 's no use talking about diversity and divine is it , de design as if , as if it 's a concept which everybody else is going to understand .
19 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
20 yes last week he helped me turn the garage out he took all the rubbish left over from the tip down to the tip .
21 It was just an alien little pop paper left over from the '60s and that market was n't really there anymore .
22 In Conspiration Nizan ironically refers to school life as a barrack-room existence cut off from the reality of the outside world .
23 In the attempt to win society 's approval by a cultured ministry that had both sweetness and light , would Nonconformity produce a ministry cut off from the faithful ?
24 Had the peak risen up from the waters and punctured the keel , thereby skewering the vessel in place ?
25 She must have had this whole floor bricked up from the outside . ’
26 Just then a voice called out from the trees behind us .
27 Mark and Babur 's house is a row set back from the Archway Road , just before suicide bridge .
28 ‘ The last lodgement , that is the money Butler brought back from the States , brought the amount up to five thousand pounds .
29 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
30 The idea dates from the 1950s , when it looked as if there would be plutonium left over from the fast-breeder reactors that were being planned — reactors which could produce more plutonium than they consumed .
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