Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Labour claimed they already had ‘ very good evidence ’ that this was about to happen .
2 Three-Quarters of the 1987 electorate said they regularly watched both BBC-TV and ITV news .
3 More than a quarter of those who said they intended to vote Labour said they either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that he has served the town well .
4 Detectives who at first treated the death of Mr Peter Jowett as murder said they now believed he was killed as he set a snare .
5 Only in the War of Independence did they occasionally raise their voices against ‘ the rich ’ .
6 If you remember , the girl said they always wore leather gloves .
7 No , hardly put it down in his C V , Des O'Connor singer Did they ever make that ?
8 The chronicler says that when the men summoned for military service appeared they soon disbanded because the king and the citizens of London were not present .
9 So when the bit of paper came they just ignore it
10 And despite the AIDS menace 20 per cent of the students questioned by Cosmopolitan magazine said they never used a condom .
11 By the end of the war this culture had been defeated , and the victorious Puritans and their nonconformist allies who had gained control of the reins of central government believed they now had an opportunity to impose on the whole nation the same moral reforms that prior to 1640 they had struggled to instigate piecemeal at a local level .
12 As the show opened they even enjoyed a beer with the first day crowds .
13 She was very attached to her brother Joshua Cristall [ q.v. ] , who later became an eminent water-colourist : ‘ They studied together as children , and hand in hand did they daily walk to London for their schooling when the family lived at Rotherhithe ’ ( J. L. Roget ) .
14 One commonly heard complaint from relatives is that ‘ I was told she was too disturbed for the council day centre as they could n't stop her from wandering out ’ , yet ‘ The doctor at the day hospital said they only took short-term cases , people who could get better and move on . ’
15 As they began work on the new songs Mike Stock had mapped out for their latest discovery , the world 's most successful record producing trio explained they now realised what they had on their hands .
16 How on earth had they suddenly appeared there ?
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