Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] with the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Ministerial sources confirmed the contract will be the ‘ same in every particular ’ as the deal reached with the BMA leadership which was rejected in a ballot by doctors .
2 SOME READERS may be forgiven for thinking that aeronautics began with the Wright Brothers .
3 The blame lay with the DES , which had thought that ‘ establishing polytechnics was just an administrative exercise ’ .
4 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also slow time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
5 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also negatively impact time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
6 TV drama started with the BBC pointing a large camera at a small stage .
7 Worse still the crisis coincided with the Suez expedition , the ill-fated Anglo-French invasion of Egypt , which was itself condemned by Moscow as an ‘ imperialist ’ venture .
8 This was the soft sell ; the hard sell came with the Tet offensive , January — February 1968 , when Viet Cong forces penetrated almost all American bases and even moved into Saigon .
9 Stephen Pears denied Bristol with two brilliant saves before the game erupted with the Rosenoir-Kernaghan incident .
10 Stephen Pears denied Bristol with two brilliant saves before the game erupted with the Rosenoir-Kernaghan incident .
11 Enya as entity began with the Ryans , and that 's all the truth we need .
12 His film career started with The Benny Goodman Story .
13 Typically , the Birmingham man 's interest in writing for television coincided with the East Anglia one 's .
14 More scope for personal interpretation came with the Mark Morris solo Ten Suggestions .
15 And yet that , precisely , is what the early Church did with the Emperor Constantine .
16 When the current collusion controversy began , it was assumed that the bulk of the problem lay with the UDR .
17 The modifications were statutory proportional representation with ‘ power sharing ’ in the Cabinet and in the committees of the assembly , similar to those of Stormont except that control of security and law and order remained with the UK government .
18 The use of the life-history in modern sociology began with the Chicago School of the 1930s , whose work has been described on p. 68 .
19 Arens 's visit coincided with the US State Department 's postponement of a session of a joint committee which co-ordinated the disbursement of US military aid to Israel , although the State Department denied that the intention was to indicate US dissatisfaction over Israeli policies .
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