Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] he [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 — Like Mrs Plews , Mr Jim Tomlinson , of Richmond , found the study helped him in his work as a teacher at Risedale School , Hipswell , Catterick Garrison .
2 His father was a tailor and for some years the young Steen helped him in his business .
3 The superintendent thanked him for his help and bade him goodnight but with a distracted air as though her attention were elsewhere .
4 The Association honoured him on his retirement with the award of a medal of honour and elected him as a Vice-President The following year he was made an OBE for his lifelong work for the deaf .
5 And the Cid Ruydiez did so well , and made such mortality among the Moors , that the blood ran from his wrist to his elbow ! great pleasure had he in his horse Bavieca that day , to find himself so well mounted .
6 ‘ I 've earned it ! ’ … a bright , distant light halted him in his tracks !
7 An ostler took the cavalryman 's horse while a liveried footman relieved him of his helmet and cumbersome sword .
8 He was fortunate to have been accepted as a member of the new customs syndicate in 1667 before Clarendon 's fall deprived him of his patron ; but the lease was cancelled four years later , when the farmers sought guarantees against the heavy defalcations to be expected in the imminent Dutch war .
9 People in the village knew him by his dourness , by the distance he put between himself and them .
10 But typical Mansell courage and skill took him past his arch rival … and with Patrasse in the pits it was left to Mansell to claim victory … only just though on a set of well worn and blistered tyres .
11 As we tunnelled our way through the steep rhododendron-canopied paths at Aros , Alistair said the rain , the humidity and the terrain reminded him of his ‘ spell in Assam during the War .
12 For much of the last couple of decades , he has been living in France , where he is accorded a reverence denied him in his native country .
13 The baby in its cradle confirmed him in his desire for infantile carefree experiences .
14 In February 1973 his geography teacher warned him in his report to : ‘ Be more aware of the influence of ‘ friends ’ who might adversely affect your future progress . ’
15 Incognito , he worked as a ferryman and lived in Biddick boat-house for over twenty years , when a terrible flood robbed him of his possessions and his proof of identification .
16 The band knew him from his days with another Leeds ' band , The Sinister Cleaners .
17 Harry , galvanized by the words , sprang from his seat and lunged towards the door , but too late : an impenetrable barrier of glass and metal separated him from his quarry .
18 An –easy conscience chafed him like his new , scratchy tweed suit , caused him the same persistent discomfort as the broken spring he was hatching out beneath his buttocks .
19 But the king grabbed him by his horns , beat him and thumped him , and said , " Go back to that boy and keep pestering him .
20 The King took him into his barge and cried , ‘ Now I know the greatest heretic in Kent ’ and showed him the letters from Canterbury .
21 Another sharp blow hit him between his shoulder-blades .
22 THE SON of a British Army officer yesterday described to the Aldington libel jury in the High Court how his late father told him of his ‘ horror ’ when he received the order to repatriate Cossacks at the end of the second world war .
23 He later admitted the loan stretched him to his financial limit .
24 On 7 July 1575 Sir John Forster , the Warden of the English Middle March , took offence at an insult offered him by his opposite number , supporters of the two men began to jeer at each other , and a skirmish ensued in which several men were killed and Sir John and his son-in-law Lord Francis Russell were carried off as prisoners .
25 In consequence , despite protests from the Diplomatic Corps , the Chinese government dismissed him from his office on 31 January 1927 .
26 The turn of a key in the lock of the brown door stopped him in his tracks .
27 He was about to put his trousers back and take out another pair , when a sudden thought stopped him in his tracks .
28 From the doorway a furious voice stopped him in his tracks .
29 A tug at his trouser leg awakened him from his reverie .
30 I in turn thanked him for his careful encouragement and support at the various stages of the project .
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