Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pn reflx] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , as the laying-out and preparation of the body was at that time the responsibility of the family , it would appear that the guild limited themselves to three actions : the marshalling of their members to attend , and the selection from that company of those to carry the coffin ( though it would have been a strong guild able to command more than half a dozen of its members during a weekday ) ; to see the coffin safely into the church and to ensure that the burial equipment was in place ; and to attend the full obsequies on the following day , including the funeral feast .
2 The committee addressed itself to two main interlocking problems : the central issue of the relationship between the individual local authorities and the polytechnics and other colleges , and the ‘ pooling ’ arrangements by which advanced courses were financed .
3 The committee addressed itself to three issues : the absolute price-level of CDs ; the price difference between CDs and cassettes ; and the price difference between CDs in America and Britain .
4 He did not , like them , attempt to enter on a ruinous competition with the new mode of conveyance , but on the contrary adapted himself to changed circumstances , and became a railway carriage builder .
5 It was completed a few months after its companion piece ( the G major Quartet Op. 106 and subsequently the composer devoted himself to programmatic tone poems and operas .
6 Usually this did n't matter because the Parquet confined itself to criminal offences and there was no religious dimension involved .
7 Although the horn lent itself to delicate work and when finished had a smooth feel , its natural colour , yellow , mottled and streaked with grey , was so unattractive that the Chinese stained the objects they carved from it an artificial brown .
8 The financial stringencies which accompany marriage and child-rearing caused this interest to be set aside , and once it had gone , the cultural tradition asserted itself to remarkable effect .
9 The basic design lent itself to production-line techniques , and ERCO produced 335 per month at their peak .
10 Death helped himself to another six cookies .
11 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
12 To their credit the Stirling pack roused themselves to greater efforts , but after four pushover attempts by them had been repulsed , Heriot 's countered and it was Stoddart who ran through some weak tackling and put Henry Murray in for try which Lawrie converted .
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