Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
2 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
3 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
4 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
5 ‘ There would need to be an awful lot of call-offs before the five players untried at this level found themselves on the field at the same time , though , ’ said the coach .
6 The gang helped themselves to a video , leather jacket , private letters plus bits and pieces to the tune of £1,000 before fleeing .
7 The barman reinstalled himself behind the jump and enquired after my pleasure .
8 Child labour recommended themselves to the early factory masters not only because it was cheap but also because it avoided dependence on adult labour whose traditional work habits were too deeply ingrained .
9 Anxiously , they waited as Delaney 's black figure lowered itself into the fog , and was lost , bit by bit , from view , suggesting a primordial creature descending into a tropical , mist-covered swamp .
10 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
11 Seeing the ice hold beneath their weight , the last of the Russian rearguard flung themselves upon the lake in thousands .
12 Indeed in Cehave NV v Bremer Handelgesellschaft [ 1976 ] QB 44 , the Court of Appeal considered that it was the intention to re-state the pre-existing sales law and that this intention translated itself into a canon of statutory interpretation .
13 Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma , attention to the text , was more emphatically scriptural .
14 Sorrel excelled herself with the meal , although her father never mentioned it .
15 But come in out of the cold , ’ he said , seeing how the little priest hunched himself like a ruffled bird inside his gown .
16 Certainly , as his mind prepared itself for the acceptance of the
17 In the stroboscopic view , the giant pistons were the only things moving — until a figure detached itself from the wall , its grey colour exactly that of the background steel .
18 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
19 What passed for reality on the discworld reasserted itself with a rush of sound .
20 When the terrified actress locked herself in the car , he rammed it with his Ford Bronco .
21 The ruling DEMOS coalition dissolved itself at a meeting on Dec. 30 , and called for early elections in April or May 1992 .
22 The DUC disassociated itself from the arson and monkeywrenching , and remained independent of the and-nuclear movement .
23 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
24 Another former confidant , John Biffen , in effect removed himself from the government after coded criticism of the Prime Minister 's strident , dogmatic style .
25 Away from the island the wind converted itself into a westerly and we were surfing at ten knots even with two slabs in the main and the genoa furled to almost nothing .
26 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
27 Thus the clown prince of English football crowned himself as the football emperor of the Eternal City .
28 Another stun grenade was thrown in and a third soldier hurled himself through the window after it , before it had exploded .
29 But those who choose violence set themselves on the opposing side from democracy .
30 That is , where the Berlin Secession defined itself against the Wilhelmine state , its Viennese counterpart defined itself against the bourgeois values of the Ringstrasse culture of the 1860s and 1870s .
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