Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Only one patient ( 6% ) receiving cyclosporin met our criteria for nephrotoxicity and that patient improved after reducing the dose .
2 The Night Superintendent clapped her hands for silence .
3 For example , a white mother with two children in my study described her strategies for budgeting on benefit in great detail , ending her account by noting how these strategies floundered : ‘ Because he spends his money and we could do with it .
4 Mayor dropped his plans for the new committee and agreed to keep the Executive Board more fully informed of his actions in future .
5 CAVAN football team manager P.J. Carroll today revealed that full forward Fintan Cahill had been an absentee as his side completed their preparations for last Sunday 's match against Monaghan .
6 In 1916 , a special committee produced its recommendations for the precautions to be taken in the event of an air raid .
7 Yesterday , the Londonbased Irish Emigrants Voice campaign renewed its demands for Britain 's Irish community to be allowed to vote in the elections .
8 Designer Tricia Guild took her ideas for inside the house and applied them to her garden .
9 Erm well that base budget is rather higher than we are expecting and the time when , the policy committee set its targets for each of the service committees .
10 Will the Secretary of State respond to a question that I have put several times since the Select Committee on Science and Technology in another place produced its recommendations for the Government ?
11 The youth leader conveyed her thanks for the re-covering of the snooker table .
12 His team dismissed their opponents for a record low score .
13 When the Reading Room opened its doors for the first time in the city of St Louis , Missouri , it became the world 's first literary brothel .
14 ‘ It 's my first time here , ’ she whispered as they squeezed into a table and a waiter took their orders for drinks .
15 In group discussions , a married 35-year-old teacher gave his reasons for not identifying with successful men : ‘ I have the feeling that successful men have got to their position by being unpleasant , perhaps stepping on others to get there .
16 Cable & Wireless Plc said its results for the year to March 31 will show an exceptional charge of £84m and exceptional gains totalling £178m to comply with new accounting standards — there will be exceptional profits of £60m from exercise of warrants in Hong Kong and of some £118m from the sale of 20% of Mercury Communications Ltd to BCE Inc ; the charge will cover its interest in undersea cable systems — it has also decided to reduce the book life of its digital submarine cable assets to 15 years from 25 , which will lead to an additional £12m depreciation charge each year .
17 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
18 Clerical staff at Oxford Polytechnic vacated their desks for the picket line .
19 And when we decided intensive veg and livestock did not mix , our gentleman farmer/neighbour bred our pests for us .
20 It was a leisurely day and we padded up the rough , warm rock of a plinth of slabs until an awkward overlap sharpened our claws for the crux pitch above .
21 Only your good news banished my cares for a while .
22 Only one control tissue fulfilled our criteria for positivity .
23 Columba sent one of his companions into the water , and just as the creature opened its jaws for its second course , Columba with a wave of his hand banished it : Nessie , all humps and coils , fled whining .
24 The government disclosed its plans for WCY on the last day of January simultaneously in London and six cities , courtesy of British Telecom 's £200 an hour Confravision service .
25 The little man sucked his teeth for a moment .
26 Russia in turn dropped its demands for compensation for its investments in military bases .
27 Gardens and the confined performance space of noh theatre refined his gifts for composition .
28 Her happiness removed his doubts for the moment .
29 Peter Hall was said to have left the Dundee-based firm ‘ entirely voluntarily ’ and a company spokesman said his reasons for going were ‘ private ’ .
30 Yasuda Fire & Marine cancelled its plans for offering 50m new shares .
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