Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] why do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's carbon , it 's not being used as a fuel it 's just being chucked in , to do something with the with the iron ore and why does it put limestone in it ?
2 Edouard invented that fake message about the museum but why did he send your crook up there after me ?
3 Who are these people still growing Gamay in Champagne and why do they want to continue ?
4 It could involve a civil engineering student considering the social effects of a new construction — in other words , taking on a sociological perspective ; it could be a student of English trying to answer the question ‘ What is literature and why do we assume that it is a good thing ? ’ — and so embracing the thinking of moral philosophy ; it might be a student in the performing arts trying to understand how and why a particular tradition had evolved — so embarking on a historical study ; it could be a chemistry student being invited to consider the effects on the natural environment of industrial or agricultural chemicals — so adding a biological approach to the subject ; or it might be a social science student keen on human perspectives being encouraged to look at underlying statistical patterns .
5 The results are dramatic — but how does the body become deficient in vitamin E , what is its role in human nutrition and why does its absence sabotage the nervous system ?
6 And finally , thought Ian as he walked up through the Cathedral stairs from the crypt office , what does the Bishop want two of after Evensong and why did he put the phone down on me when he failed to get the odious Williams ?
7 and I ca n't see the two people involved being able to stomach that very easily because questions like why did you not ask for counselling at the time or you were in charge and why did you not ensure he had any adequate
8 PJ turns his attention to the US government : ‘ What the fuck do these guys do all day and why does it cost so goddamned much money ? ’
9 Why did they choose to omit a particular miracle and why did they change the chronology elsewhere ?
10 The the first question is this is this thing about nerves is n't it because that 's the first feeling you have when you got up get up here is and as said I 'm dry already and I have n't even been up there and done it yet the voice is dry and you know then you feel a bit shaky and all that sort of thing and why do we why do we feel nervous ?
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