Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lisa pulled herself up to her full five feet three inches , wishing for an extra foot or so so that she could look him in the eye .
2 To ensure you get a full charge , just leave on for a half hour or so longer than normal .
3 ‘ So I 'm blindfolded again , taken to this bus stop an hour or so away and when that bus comes I 'm right on it and no mistake .
4 The first culprit had been Paul Azinger an hour or so before but his slip had gone unpunished when Seve Ballesteros did the same with his approach to the green .
5 I 'm not sure that withholding diplomatic recognition is the best way to approach that , after all diplomatic recognition is concerned really with the effective control of territory and things like that rather than with moral principles , however , I think that er , when the Soviet Republics are signing their new Union Treaty or Commonwealth Treaty or whatever it 's going to be called by that time , this question should be amongst the most important to be tackled there , that 's to say the rights of ethnic minorities living in Republican Territories , that they should have the right to educate their children in their own language , that they should have the right to their own religion and so on and so forth .
6 In some cases population intermingled there 's bound to be conflict whatever happens , it seems to me that these problems can only be solved , first of all by ensuring that all eth ethnic groups have the right to their own culture , their own language , their own religion and so on and to exercise them in their own territory , but they 're not discriminated again in jobs and housing and education , er and then also as you say to help with state sponsored finance people who do decide that they want to migrate , that they do n't want to live in somebody else 's Republic , that they do want to move across the border into , as it were , their own Republic .
7 You know , have you got a bit which could be put in such a form that it would actually make sense and appeal to this particular viewership , audienceship and so on and so forth .
8 Erm so it had to have all the lighting , official lighting for the continent and so on and so forth .
9 Many people in a management position maybe using P Cs on their desk , I mean those move more and more into the organization as people work with spreadsheet people work with electronic mail and so on and so forth , and the ability to use the P C as their terminal , their window into the accounting application , but secondly they have these tools such as spreadsheets which again are able to directly access the database and the accounting data maintained within it .
10 Some of them were to become famous , like Brancusi , Gleizes , le Fauconnier , but most are now completely forgotten , such as Drouard , Doucet , Centore , Coustillier , Guiraud-Riviere and so on because they were nearly all killed in World War I. In my book I show some of their works because they were Modigliani 's everyday companions .
11 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
12 People think , well now , here 's a man who 's been accused of fraud and so forth and shortly after that it comes out that he 's given a big thing to the government .
13 Freud 's he just could n't speak Hebrew , he could only speak in Egyptian and so on and so on .
14 Erm your statement of purpose you , you er you , you gave over and at that point , you know , I 've had a policy for thirteen years or whatever it is why , why I have n't seen somebody before erm and again you , you gave an answer to that erm which , which actually satisfied there was n't any , any comeback on it erm you mentioned industry and so on and that was , that was , that was f that was okay .
15 It is difficult to form any clear conception of what these activities would be like if undertaken in isolation but so far as one can form such a conception it is of something essentially futile .
16 I suggested a second or so ago that the ordinary reader , unsure of what to make of the shifting realities of Joyce 's writing , might defensively assume that no such hesitations would trouble the experienced reader , but that is far from being a homogeneous class .
17 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
18 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
19 the sport and so on and er and then what time you 're gon na go for .
20 I mean the old index-linked certificates , when they came up I put them back into the fourth issue , and then the fifth issue and so on because the bonuses are better .
21 It is on the face of it a very simple amendment to a quite a small and in some sense insignificant piece of legislation that is n't , erm I hope members would agree that by changing that piece of legislation to say that if you 're a trader you must display who you are and how people can get hold of you if the have a problem about products they buy from you , will not be too burdensome erm in these days of deregulation and so forth but on the other hand would help enforcements considerably and would also enable people to pursue their own remedies where they are dissatisfied with what they bought .
22 Now for the book , the film , the mini-series , Irangate II , Irangate on Ice and so on and so forth !
23 ‘ The game against Marseille will now be a battle but so long as we have someone like Andy Goram behind us , we feel solid .
24 They do n't know how useful it would be but anyway , they said there , there 's , it 's a slightly odd event because it 's actually going to be just in the Civic Centre , and er , and kind of tacking on some workshops and things , so I 'm going to help her with workshops and have a display stand and so on but other than that , we 've not really got any direct input into it , because it is very much , sort of , you know , this is how you do business in France , these are the financial problems , type of thing .
25 Get into a jam with , for example , a knot in the yarn , bad knitting and so on and you will be in real trouble .
26 Repeatedly we had cursed ourselves and our schools for allowing us to think we 'd grasped maths , physics and so on when now we could n't remember any of the important or useful things .
27 Arrange the right papers for me at the Legation , travelling money and so on and I 'll come the low-risk way by rail .
28 that if had relinquished all his responsibility regarding the mortgage and so on and signed it over to you , then you could have turned round and say alright that 's it , I 'm going to sell the house
29 Now move to the next point and join it up to every other point and so on until your pattern is complete .
30 Alternatively , filmmaking is seen as a sort of relay race in which each member of the creative team has control of certain moments — the producer handing over to the writer , who hands over to the director , who hands over to the lighting cameraman and so on until everything comes back to the producer again .
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