Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] not [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cambridge is a beautiful place , and although ours was a training college and not part of the University as it is now , many University societies were open to us .
2 His brand of conservatism was more cerebral than Wellington 's temperamental and instinctive belief in hierarchy , although , as with all of us , it was emotion and not reason at the bottom of it in the end .
3 This is unlike the activation induced by the powerful stimulus of calcium ionophores in that prostaglandins induce platelet dense body secretion and α-granule secretion but not secretion of lysosomal hydrolases ( MacIntyre , 1979 ) .
4 That when one approaches the village , in particular along the A Nineteen , which is the only public approach from the north , the objection sites read as part of the village and not part of the countryside .
5 Thus monarch in 14 has queen but not king as a synonym , whereas in 15 it has king but not queen :
6 On May 9 the KDP and the PUK had issued a joint communiqué in which they declared that the elections should be " a factor of unity and not disunity in our ranks " , that the results of the elections should be accepted and that " all armed manifestations " , particularly on election day , should be forbidden .
7 In McGregor v Adcock 51 TC 692 , decided in 1977 , a 70 year old farmer sold five of his 35 acres for development , and the Court held that there had been a sale of assets of the business and not part of the business , thus denying retirement relief .
8 box are in the toilet with a paper bag in there 's a , where I used to put them and I 've had a fair look but not sort of
9 Mosley was there instead , his collar undone , casually attired without an official blazer and not sign of leather .
10 I have to work the rest of the day and not finish at two o'clock
11 Durkheim and his followers have been concerned with consensus theory 's one basic and overriding preoccupation — how society can continue as an integrated whole and not collapse into a mass of warring individuals .
12 California 's philosophy underpinning its seismic codes holds that a building should not be damaged in a minor quake , should suffer no more than minor structural damage in a moderate quake and not collapse in a major quake .
13 There may be an alveolar closure immediately preceding and overlapping with a velar closure ; there may be simultaneous alveolar and velar closure , or a velar closure followed by slight contact but not closure in the alveolar region .
14 The family can find forgiveness but not comprehension of a crime which it will take weeks to clear up .
15 So we were able to tell how many tickets of certain classes were sold each day but not route by route , we 'd lost that that facility because the waybills just were n't big enough and of course the , wa everything got mechanical but now I mean I do n't profess to know anything about what happens now but I was introduced to it when I went down there for a retirement and believe me it 's , it 's all electronics now they can tell how a ticket machine is issuing tickets at any particular one day by this , this electronic business , this computers .
16 Invariably , this is ordinary paint and not protection against rotting .
17 The problem in terms purely of resourcing is if , if one does n't look after the not so seriously mentally ill they very rapidly c become the very seriously mentally ill with considerable financial resourcing problems and also enormous manpower problems because they do then tend to need twenty four hour close supervision nursing and not care in the community which can be done on a part-time basis and the implications of that are frightening .
18 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
19 Although , the rule of the clock affected most people in the sixteenth century far less than it does us today , it was already sufficient to provoke Brother Jean in the Gargantua ( 1535 ) of Rabelais to complain that ‘ the hours are made for man and not man for the hours ! ’
20 the Sabbath was made for the sake of man and not man for the Sabbath ( Mark 2:27 ) .
21 What characterises these speaker-initiated insertion sequences , then , is that the London English part of the speaker 's turn is a sequence embedded in the turn but not part of the mainstream ; it does not necessarily start at a syntactic clause completion point ( for example ( 8 ) , where it begins after a subject pronoun ) and its purpose is to elicit information , or check on information to make it possible for the speaker to complete the current turn ( Sebba and Wootton 1984 : 4 ) .
22 The DFR only acknowledged receipt for shipment and not receipt for on board shipment ; and as did the air waybill , the DFR required only proper identification by the consignee or his agent to obtain delivery of the goods .
23 Dogs were deprived of food but not water for 18 hours before surgery and experiments .
24 That the situation was as it was , and hence that certain events did not and certain events did occur , is indeed much of our reason for asserting the conditional statement but not part of the statement .
25 It is important to note that , for historical reasons , the tort is committed against possession and not ownership of land .
26 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
27 The values of A t were ‘ caused ’ by volatility and not volume for both indices .
28 A covered area under the fly but not part of the inner — pretty essential in wet weather for storing gear and for use as a cooking area .
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