Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Considering himself throughout a true Catholic , Henry had been reluctant to enter into close association with foreign Protestant states , and when political necessity had induced him to consider allying with the German Lutheran princes in the 1530s , he had adamantly refused to accept their confession of faith or to view them as co-religionists .
2 It is possible for a man to assemble a large number of these mystical phrases that move the mind and to use them as passports to the transcendent world .
3 Members will also study distance learning materials before starting the course to consolidate the College study and to prepare them for subsequent modules .
4 The strategy is to sell the plug compatibles for less than the price of the equivalent IBM machine but to make them at least as powerful , or to provide more for the same money .
5 Edouard de Chavigny was a Frenchman ; he understood that women , when abandoned , liked some small remembrance to soften the blow and to remind them of tender memories .
6 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
7 It is , therefore , our intention to seek to increase the range of NVQs offered by the Board and to market them to employers in co-operation with the Chamber movement .
8 They they are obliged to take the structure plans strategy and proposals on board and to interpret them in the in the local plan in the round .
9 This section gives effect to the recommendations of the Clayson Committee as to who should have the right to object , confers the right on organisations representing owners and occupiers in the neighbourhood , also makes it obligatory on all objectors to lodge objections with the clerk to the licensing board and to intimate them to the applicant .
10 ( 1 ) To restrain the Provisional IRA by a mobile army presence and to prevent them from completely taking over republican districts through the absence of uniformed soldiers and police .
11 It is designed to help participants identify challenges in their ministry and to equip them with the necessary insights and skills to meet these challenges .
12 We move them around deliberately , to gain experience and to put them in a different environment so that they come forward with fresh ideas . ’
13 However , it is likely to be preferable to limit the range of choices facing the teacher at any moment and to group them in a natural way from a teaching point of view .
14 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
15 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
16 It is quite possible to keep a lone specimen but to see them at their best a group is preferable .
17 Most of them , protected by their voluntary-aided status , resisted for twenty years and more all attempts to change their fiercely academic character or to entangle them in vague schemes of amalgamation or co-operation with secondary modern schools .
18 It administers the 1958 and 1967 Public Records Acts which oblige government departments to maintain and select public records for permanent preservation and to transfer them to the PRO when they are 30 years old .
19 To this end , schools were set up for peasant women and for prostitutes , who were numerous since Havana had previously been a notorious entertainment centre for North Americans , to give them an education and to provide them with some skills and training ready for the job market .
20 They employ us to carry out this work , to negotiate on their behalf with the combined forces of the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise and to advise them on a multitude of matters from advertising costs to wage negotiations .
21 In the next paragraph as to special aptitude Mr went on quote , there is an outstanding ability to make others feel that she is especially interested in their welfare and to put them at their ease .
22 The practical point , of course , is never to parade all the facts at the beginning but to use them as a military commander might unleash the cavalry squadrons he has kept hidden below the brow of the hill .
23 It did not intend , it said , to replace any existing service but to complement them by providing services where there were none .
24 The governors decided to give all these matters priority and to consider them in detail at the next meeting .
25 I went on tour frequently from Simla to most of the main cities of India , speaking to Indian audiences and getting together groups of refugees from Burma to give them the latest news and to encourage them with hopes of victory and return .
26 Note 1 to Rule 2.1 requires advisers to draw their clients ' attention to the provisions of the Code and to warn them in particular about the obligations of secrecy and restrictions on dealings .
27 I would ask you to point out this dramatic increase to the people of your parish and to thank them on my behalf for their generous efforts .
28 The skill of writing comprises components which include an ability to hold the pen or pencil , an ability to form letters of the alphabet and to join them into recognisable words and sentences , and so on .
29 There are also ideas and schemes to purchase and renovate many of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century quintas around the island and to re-open them as small hotels .
30 It decided not to pay out the sums so received to individual solicitors as a sort of dividend but to apply them for the benefit of the profession as a whole .
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