Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb base] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were different sorts of T-shirts , each with an image and a slogan or comment on the status quo , some of which Malcolm designed and some of which were designed by Bernie and Malcolm together .
2 God could part the Red Sea , Jesus could calm the storm or walk on the water .
3 Roll up the paper , bit or curare on the pencil point .
4 New toys are found for me and I play in the courtyard of the high-walled convent or slide on the waxed floors , too shy to talk to anyone .
5 It sounds easy but it is hard work , especially when trying not to crush creativity or step on the toes of hardworking marketing and advertising departments .
6 The ‘ splash ’ effect of a harp glissando is much enhanced by the addition of a stroke or roll on the cymbals with a soft stick .
7 If you have some experience and would have expected the remedy to work then put a pencil dot or mark on the bottle .
8 We have a new phone system , so you can r If you want to test it out you might as well just give me a ring and come on the air to begin with .
9 I leave Darius shuffling in the litter while I ease up to the bedroom and try on a smile like when the pink Panther gets caught in a scrape .
10 Lord Forte will become president and remain on the group 's board .
11 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
12 Select a programme and concentrate on the dialogue for a change .
13 For thousands of years a few men have searched for these human fruits ; they have filled their minds with the lovely ideas and have taken up their long search and watch on the lonely shore of the other world .
14 The visit starts with a demonstration and talk on woodcarving followed by a demonstration and talk on the work of a potter .
15 Our theme for the meeting was gardening and 28 Somervillians and guest enjoyed an informative and challenging afternoon with a demonstration and talk on the cultivation of auriculas followed by a garden quiz .
16 That 's what you want , a decent endowment , it takes out all the fluctuations , and er the they 've big reserves , and of course the minute the endowment starts to look a bit poorer , it 's switch back to P E Ps , course I 've always said that P E Ps were a good idea , and the charges are much better now than they were , and I 'm just thinking of the poor chap that 's read the paper two years ago , over his tea and toast on a Sunday and thought mhm good idea , I 'll take an endowment , and two years later it 's the same person saying aha , no , pretty bad news an endowment .
17 Taro Nakayama , the Japanese Foreign Minister , visited Hong Kong on Nov. 3-4 , 1989 , when he offered moral support for the colony in the future and help on the Indo-Chinese refugee problem .
18 As a result the IMS was asked to carry out an initial study and advise on the feasibility of setting up a suitable PMIS for the BAA .
19 Afterwards a buffet lunch will be available for any who would like at The Forbury , Leominster-prepared by Amy Ormond ( Wootten 1943 ) — and in the afternoon at The Forbury Vicky Archard ( Lloyd 1966 ) , member and past president of the Hereford and Mid-Wales Philatelic Society will give a talk and display on a philatelic theme .
20 A first raffle raised £140 which was promptly handed over following a talk and filmshow on the vital flying arm of the emergency service .
21 If you are in two minds then give the candidate the benefit of the doubt and allow him or her to come for interview and elaborate on the details given on the form .
22 ‘ England 's batting , fielding and — apart from Emburey and Edmonds — their bowling proclaimed the lack of practice and resolve on a slow pitch which , had they been in the right frame of mind , would have given them an even chance of levelling the series , ’ asserted Wisden .
23 In Day Four of our series we 're offering 100 prizes of £50 to fill up your car and step on the gas .
24 I had just one weekend of the melting snow and slush on the fells — very wet indeed — during testing , with no possibility of drying the boots after the first day .
25 Put your money in the capital , rent and live on the capital .
26 'Go and stand on an upstairs mat and look under a cricket bat' , ‘ Look in a place where it is cold and you will find your pot of gold . ’
27 there had been no attempt by the appellant to show that any part of the deceased 's income & 6 ] consisted of a return on assets as opposed to remuneration for labour and work on the farm .
28 If you selected a word hold down the Shift key and click on the last word of the selection — similarly for paragraphs .
29 Look at your diary of the seven to ten days of recorded eating and decide on the major sources of sugar present .
30 Its air of peacefulness was in such contrast to Broadway , and to the harbour and waterfront on the day they had landed .
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