Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb past] the same " in BNC.

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1 Encouraged by the finding of this tiny coin , I turned my attention to the second side of the pond and began the same operation along its full length .
2 Nigel Cramer leaped from the red and white squad car and shouted the same question .
3 I cut through it on each side and did the same to the binding on his ankles .
4 It was hand woven of sheep 's wool and dyed the same deep indigo colour as her mask .
5 He pulled off a tremendous save from Sukristovas in the first half and denied the same player in the second .
6 But every little detail seemed crucial and it was something I struggled with all the way through , but knowing that Cathy , Joan and I were all on the same wavelength and felt the same level of commitment was a great relief .
7 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
8 So many times she had helped at the scene of an accident and felt the same need to be with people afterwards , just to be sure , as he said , that she was still alive .
9 So I said ‘ Well , there 's no need to be frightened of him , he would n't touch you ’ , but you see then somebody was talking to me on the phone last night and said the same thing ‘ We do n't come any more to say prayers as we go through the churchyard because we 're frightened ’ .
10 Lake flew to the States last week for an operation he hopes will save his career and underwent the same surgery as John Salako of QPR and Ian Durrant of Rangers .
11 Crouching again , he moved to the other side of the cabinet and repeated the same manoeuvre , craning his head to look out .
12 He had been christened that morning and died the same afternoon .
13 Adam packed his few belongings , then went next door and did the same for Billie .
14 So one would know one had the right answer only if someone else repeated the calculation and got the same answer , and that did not seem very likely !
15 John Brown looked over the wall at his neighbour 's invention and did the same .
16 I put down the Mail , opened the Telegraph and found the same tale , though told in less lurid terms .
17 He had a low doddering voice and said the same thing every time .
18 In 1891 the tenor bell was recast by the bell founders Mears & Stainbank at a cost of £30 , being shipped to London by barge and returned the same way .
19 ‘ The most fortunate thing was that we found out he came from a village in Essex and by sheer chance Mr Woods came from the same county and knew the same village which gave them something to talk about . ’
20 He made two more soundings further along the bank and got the same result for both .
21 ‘ Yet we still sat next to each other on the team bus and shared the same room .
22 This meant that wages fell sharply in the coal exporting districts of South Wales and the North East but remained the same in the new and expanding south Yorkshire coalfield , where new and deeper mines were producing high quality coal for the home market .
23 Afterwards he dipped his own thumb into the bowl and made the same yellow mark on Chola 's forehead .
24 The cutlery was from the same state factory and had the same design and so did the plates , the menu , and the waiters .
25 If every surgeon in Britain used the most reliable prosthesis and achieved the same results as the best units the annual cost of revision operations would be £200m .
26 Both were directors of the company and received the same salary and benefits .
27 Interestingly , fundholders ' referrals to clinics in general surgery and orthopaedic surgery increased whereas they decreased in general medicine and remained the same in most other specialties .
28 In this calculation , I assumed that if two women worked in the same office and had the same surname ( provided it was not a very common one ) but different Christian names , then they were sisters .
29 He then left the first stetch and did the same with the next .
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