Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases the plotter hardware is physically located some distance from the user ; for example , the user may be in a different building or even at a subsidiary office in another town .
2 Inch by inch — then , as loose shale slid frighteningly from under her feet , a sudden foot or more at a time — Sheila made her way perilously down the slope .
3 I ca n't of course foretell er what 's gon na happen in Eastern Europe , but looking externally er at the lower interest rates and the er more competitive value of the pound and internally at the improved cash flow and the actions that we 've been taking over for the past couple of years and I can say that there 's now generally a more optimistic feeling in the air amongst our group companies .
4 She was present at the birth of the Blessed Virgin , who was then given over to her care for twelve years , and at the Visitation and the birth of St John the Baptist and even at the birth of the Saviour , when she was allowed to provide bedding for the Virgin and swathing-clothes for the Child .
5 Watkins found them sited at intervals along a ley and often at the crossing of two leys .
6 Let us look in more detail at the difficulties inherent for everyone in appropriate penetration and then at the problems that can arise in marriage when these are or an extreme nature .
7 Sailing craft can not sail directly into the wind but only at an angle of 45 degrees to it .
8 Five , six and seven year olds are perfectly capable of working on drama for an hour and a half or more at a time , but they need very clear tasks , strong images and narratives which are intriguing and above all dramatic .
9 Kinga , himself a southerner , said that he had resigned in protest at the government 's intention to " Islamicize " the south and also at the " persecution " of " hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners " in the region around Khartoum .
10 Firstly , I was I too was , if I can use the expression , gob-smacked at the strength of feeling that was expressed at the Social Services Committee and subsequently at the Policy Services Committee as well .
11 In public perceptions the gap between Conservative unity and Labour unity narrowed sharply in the first few days of the campaign and again at the end , but actually increased very slightly in the third week .
12 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
13 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
14 This project , which is being carried out by George Bain is concerned with analysing patterns of union growth at an aggregate level and also at the level of individual occupations and industries .
15 The cells from the outside move into the interior during gastrulation and only at the end of the gastrulation are they more or less in their proper position .
16 Sometimes they carried out the work at the Hankses ' cottage and occasionally at the farm , but so tired was Seb as a result of the long days he was working that twice he fell asleep while Carrie was writing .
17 ‘ Various people in the Ministry and here at the Questura . ’
18 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
19 Magee looked at the cardboard and then at the man who , he guessed .
20 So many dog training clubs only take dogs when they are six months old … well past the steep part of the learning curve and often at an age when male dogs , especially , are starting to grow up ( and become as rebellious and resistant to authority as any human adolescent ! ) .
21 A little museum in Broadbank helps to tell the history of the town and right at the door is placed the Blue-stone : an enormous boulder which once stood on a street corner in the town and is thought to have been brought here by the Scandinavian ice flow .
22 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
23 ( 2 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person whose affairs are to be investigated ( ‘ the person under investigation ’ ) or any other person whom he has reason to believe has relevant information to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation at a specified place and either at a specified time or forthwith .
24 Thus , they are sometimes situated at the front of the Segment , between the acrotergite and prescutum and sometimes at the back of a segment , behind the postnotum .
25 Mahmoud was another one who did n't take a siesta and just at the moment , still simmering over the way Zoser had slipped through his fingers , he was driving his men hard .
26 The leader must choose a suitable spread to get a borrower 's loan business and yet at the same time convince participating banks that it is a realistic return relative to the loan risk(s) involved .
27 Ockleton described a sweeping circuit of the room , missing all the many obstacles in his path without apparently noticing them , and finished by the window , where he peered out for a full minute or so at the view it commanded of a blank gable-end and half the dome of the Radcliffe Camera .
28 As already mentioned , the defendant may submit a defence up to the return day and even at the pre-trial review if he or she is prepared to risk costs being awarded against him or her .
29 Donna sat in the sitting-room , glancing endlessly at the sheets of paper they 'd picked up from the bank that day and also at the notes Ward had left .
30 I followed her gaze down the long empty platform and there at the other end stood a tall figure .
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