Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To get what they need , they cut down saplings and even trees with trunks a foot or so in diameter , gnawing through the wood with their chisel teeth .
2 If you have the country parks and already there is no hunting on those parts open to the public there 's just about another hundred acres , that 's the Victoria Park or thereabouts in total .
3 The exploration of what each part of the body can express in isolation and then in co-ordination with the rest is possibly the most important aspect of a choreographer 's work if it seeks to be modern in spirit and technique .
4 Only when they have examined what hands , arms , legs and feet , body and above all the head can do in isolation and then in harmony with the story , theme or music , can they set out and create a style which will be general in structure and particular in texture , with the right quality , mood , emotion , action and character .
5 And then , all I 've done is worked out some time management and say well if these guys turn up at half past eight every morning and I give them a break at ten o'clock , and they get a lunch break and then in afternoon , another break , and they finish at half past four , if everything goes to plan , by four o'clock Friday , my van should be backing up at the end of the production line to load itself up with a thousand widgets .
6 Like the other playwrights whose response to Thatcherism and brutality has been some hand-wringing of their own , Barker is too infatuated by his heroine 's strength to humanise her withe vulnerability and too in awe of her for a passionate or coolly detached opposition .
7 Moving on into the sort of sensors and the electronics side , erm for survivability erm the defensive aid sub- system will be er very complex , very sophisticated but also integrated so that it has a complete system of protection for the aircraft , erm an and finally moving on on the sort of electronics side then clearly with different sensors such as the radar , the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track the er multiple information distribution system and also certain aspects of the er electronic warfare suite then by having sensor fusion which enables the best information at any one time to be correlated into the system as a whole then that will provide a very good capability and far in excess of anything that we have at the moment .
8 It has faded from the lips of those in the east , and the dying man on the right has his teeth bared and one eye half closed ; a kind of realism found in some late archaic and early classical vase-painting and sometimes in sculpture too .
9 Through such processes , it was felt , the basis of public law was no longer to be rooted in command but rather in organization .
10 This tendency is itself in need of sociological analysis , since it is in some respects clearly related to the social character of certain modem institutions , most obviously in advertising and market research but also in audience research and in political opinion polling .
11 The NT is obviously interested in new talent but also in staying power — track record in sustainment , as indeed they should .
12 To the extent that these may appear antithetical to modernism , not only in practice but also in theory , then we may find ourselves running up against the limits of our modernist frameworks of understanding .
13 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
14 I sent mine back to John Le Masurier , a former National Coach and now in charge of the Team Secretariat , saying that I needed more competition .
15 Some twenty-five years later , when I became interested in hypnosis and then in regression therapy , I began to wonder whether my earlier fascination was because I had actually lived in Tudor times .
16 Definitely in a humorous vein and just in time for Christmas is Banger and Pranger in Snowman 's Land by Graham Hey and Brian Robinson .
17 The original requirement specified by the FAA and still in use today , not only by all aircraft registered in the USA but also by those States which ‘ rubber stamp ’ US requirements , utilises the four channels in the following manner :
18 I 'll play the odd game for the Harlequins Gentlemen for some exercise and also in charity events , but that is all ’ — PAUL ACKFORD ( former England lock ) on rumours that he might be persuaded to return to the international scene .
19 My soul did hang as in a pair of scales , sometimes up and sometimes down , now in peace and anon in terror . ’
20 Could I point out to members that we did have er written replies to try and speed up the question process , could I ask members both in asking the question and especially in answering , not to make it another speech occasion because otherwise it destroys the whole purpose of having the written replies .
21 Reveille Boy , at six the same age as Phar Lap but here in receipt of eleven pounds , had won the American Derby in 1930 .
22 The history of science is of course an important part of our contemporary culture , to be considered not only in the context of the Science department 's work but also in History , Humanities , Religious Education and other fields of study , and in the process of inter-disciplinary thematic work in general .
23 The relative lack of progress in developing and disseminating models of good practice , including assessment , with older people and their families is a reflection in part of their relatively low status within professional and organizational cultures , not only within social work but also in medicine , education , and academic disciplines .
24 As it was , Lili chatted easily and Robert timed his eating to synchronise with her fluency ; when Lili stopped talking to eat he carried on , not in the same vein but sufficiently in harmony with her style not to upset the balance of conviviality .
25 The surplus product is controlled by the bureaucracy partly for their own benefit but mainly in response to demands from society which it would be politically dangerous to ignore .
26 In this second case a person was less aware of the actual stimulus but quickly in tune with his own associations and what he could ‘ read between the lines ’ .
27 Originally founded as an anti-negro secret society in the years after the Civil War , the Klan spread rapidly in the 1920s , not only in the South but also in mid- and far-West .
28 I stayed in bed for the next twenty-four hours , sleeping , drinking a little water , not eating at all , and only rousing myself when Gav arrived back ( from his parents ' , I wrongly assumed ) , loudly declaring himself to be of unsound liver but totally in love .
29 If case management is expected to improve the client 's QOL , then the client 's subjective assessment of his or her well-being is a crucial component in assessment and also in outcome measurement .
30 Only time will tell but at least it is a step in the right direction and certainly in line with the views expressed by Mary Joe Fernandez in a splendidly reasoned and cogent article which she wrote for The New York Times at the end of last year .
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